"Forbidden Love"

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(Y/N) (L/N): Your name, last name
(H/C): Hair color
(E/C): Eye color
(S/C): Skin color
"Hey": Someone speaking
"Hello there.": Demonic voice (like when Bill is very pissed and says something in that weird voice)
'Hahaha': Thinking.
[Oh god.]: Telepathic conversation
"Cipher,(Y/N)": Whispering


(Y/N)'s POV

I just woke up, and I feel like I have been drinking too much booze. Which I didn't!

The shower is running, probably Glynda, I forgot to ask Ozpin if I will still have to study.. Eh, probably, he is a sly son of a gun.

I get up and get dressed in my normal clothing, didn't get the uniform and I don't want it, so tight it feels like a spandex suit.

8:17 a.m., huh? Might as well get ready for classe- wait.. What's my first class?
Eh, might as well go for BDSM Blondie's class first.

I wait outside of her dorm, don't wanna get fucked up for peeking.. Glynda opens the door and looks surprised to see me there, I just smirk and walk alongside her towards her class.

"Why are you following me, (Y/N)?"

"Well, didn't know what to do because Oz didn't say if I was going to do something rather than sleep, eat and repeat."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Well, Wifey, I am attending classes again!" She looks at me deadpanned "Yaaay? Come on Glynda cheer up!"

She sighs "Just.. Don't do anything inappropriate, and call me Ms. Goodwitch during class."

"I won't do anything 'inappropriate', but I will call you Glynda since I am not a student." I state happily as she just sighs.
Reaching the class, there is no one there, just Glynda and I "(Y/N), can you help me prepare for the class, I woke up a little late than normal."


Did.. Did he kiss my cheek? No! Don't think about that! Just a goodnight kiss! Just.. Just that.
I couldn't help but feel.. Hot downstairs. I went to my bed and..

You already know what she did.

Flashback End, (Y/N)'s POV

"So, if ya don't mind me asking, how old are ya, Glynda? You look young enough to be a Third year!" I asked

"What kind of questio-.. Nevermind.. I'm 24 (A/N: I don't know her actual age, so I made it old enough to be convenient for a relationship.)" Needless to say I was shocked.

"Well, the years sure went great for you!"

I was in the lockers preparing my self because 'You need to make a good firs- second impression on the students!' I just put on a monocle and summoned some tea.

"And, today I would like to introduce my new.. Assistant, please treat him nicely and calmly." And I guess that's my que.

I walk into the view of the students, they seem quite shocked I'm there rocking a monocle and sipping my tea "Hello, students! It's me, the janitor of the cafeteria! Remember me?" They stand there conflicted whether or not they should attack me.

Sick Boy (RWBY x Male Cipher Reader)Where stories live. Discover now