Pixel Takedown

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"Mac!" Annalise shouted as she, Dark and Anti exited the portal Anti created by using the pixel Annalise had caught. It had taken a lot of yelling and arguing to convince the others to stay behind. But after Wilford said that they should go on their own, the others reluctantly agreed.

"Anna-bell!" Bing shouted and ran from the corner of the room he had been sitting in.

"Bing!" Annalise ran as well and the two hugged when they reached each other.

"Anna, all of those things I said, I swear it wasn't me!" Bing had tears in his eyes. "I didn't say it, I didn't! I love you, I do!"

"Bingy." Annalise's voice cracked and she pulled Bing into a kiss.

"I-" Bing's eyes suddenly went white and he fell over.

"Bing!" Annalise cried out.

"He's great for a little recharge." Mac said from the ledge at the top of the room, he sat on the railing and he popped his fingertips out of his mouth as if he just had a snack. Annalise gritted her teeth and clenched her hands. Her wings popped out of her back and she screamed as she ran and leaped into the air. Mac launched himself off of the railing, a cloud of purple pixels formed around him as he landed on Annalise, tipping her off balance and causing her to fall. Annalise slammed to the ground with Mac on top of her. Mac clasped his hands together and was about to pound them into Annalise's head but Anti tackled him before he could. Anti's wings were out and hissed at Mac as he threw him into the wall. Anti dove at him again but Mac used his pixels as a wall and Anti ran into it and was tossed back. Dark came back through the portal after getting Bing out of the way, blazer off and wings out. He saw Annalise getting off of the ground and Anti land.

"Mac." Dark growled before flapping his wings, using them to speed across the floor. Mac jumped out of the way and Dark caught himself on the wall before leaping at Mac, slamming a fist to his face. Dark ended up fumbling a few steps away from Mac from the force of his jump, he turned back around and Mac was gripping a chunk of pixels in the shape of a baseball bat and he swung it towards Dark, hitting him in the jaw and causing him to fall.

"Papa!" Annalise went for Mac and Mac quickly shifted his stance and slammed the bat into Annalise's stomach. Annalise coughed out but used her arms to hold the bat against her. She yanked the bat out of Mac's grip and dropped it to the ground. Annalise didn't see the pixels loosening and flowing up to a wave behind her. Anti shouted and tackled Annalise out of the way of the spikes the pixels shot out. The pixels crashed back down and returned to surrounding Mac. Dark grabbed Mac by the back of his head and slammed him face-first into the ground. Dark yelled when the pixels wrapped around him and threw him, making him crash into Anti. Annalise tried to go at Mac again, but the pixels grabbed her next and slammed her into the wall on the other side of the room. The pixels melted away from her and formed a cage around her. "What!? Are you fucking serious!?" Annalise shouted and pounded her fists on the bars in front of her. She had enough room between each bar to put her arm through, but the rest of her body couldn't squeeze past the bars as well. "Are you actually serious!?" She screamed again, holding the bars with her hands and pulling at them. "Not fair!"

"Let her out!" Anti shouted and grabbed Mac's arm, flipping him to the ground. Mac shot a hand out and a spike of pixels came out and stabbed Anti in the shoulder. "Fuck!" Anti stumbled back and went to the ground. "F-Fu-Fuck." Anti's voice shook and broke off as his body began to glitch out.

"Anti!" Dark rushed over to Anti and rolled him onto his back. "Stay still!" He grabbed the spike and tried to yank it out. Anti screamed out in pain, voice echoing and a harsh static filling the air. Dark pulled again and the spike came out but Anti's wings made a popping sound and they became a pile of separate pixels.

"Sounds like the glitch-bitch caught a bug." Mac chuckled.

"Anti, Anti are you okay?" Dark put his hand under Anti's head.

"Y-Yeah." Anti stuttered out. "Really, shocky." Dark hissed and pulled his hand back when a spark went through his fingertips. He cursed when he saw that the pixels from the spike were now covering his hand and crawling up his arm.

"I just wanted to be happy, you know." Mac said, watching as Dark tried to slap the pixels away. "I just wanted to have a family like you do! My mother abandoned me as well! She left me and tossed me away like I was nothing! I was alone, I was different. But then Rus found me. Rus took me in and he took care of me and then you assholes killed him and the others! You killed my family!" Dark tried to bite off the pixels, but it didn't work. Anti was now sitting up and was trying to help Dark while his body was still glitching. "You took my family away! How is it fair that mine is gone and you get to keep yours!?" Mac clenched his hand and the pixels started to cover Dark faster. "I'm going to kill your husband and take your daughter away! You're nothing! You're-" There was a loud bang and Mac gasped out as a hole was now in his chest. "I-I-" Mac gargled out before his body went limp and he collapsed. The pixels faded away from Dark's body and Anti was not longer glitching. They looked at Mac's corpse before raising their head and seeing Annalise holding out a gun covered in orange pixels.

"Fuck you, Mac." Annalise said, lowering the weapon.

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