Time For Quiche!

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"And here, we see the messy stranger on the ground and-"

"RJ, move!" Annalise pushed past Reporter Jim and knelt next to Mac.

"Who's Mac?" Jack asked.

"I don't know." Anti said and joined Annalise.

"Dad! Is he bleeding!?" Jason yelled and ran to Mark, hugging his leg. "Did someone hurt him!?"

"Everything's fine, buddy." Mark bent down and hugged his son.

"Who is he?" Dark asked, lifting Mac off of the ground.

"He's the one who found Elliot." Annalise answered as Dark moved the young man to the couch.

"I thought you said you found Elliot." Anti said.

"I knew you two had something to do with him coming back." Dark huffed, stepping aside to allow Dr. Iplier and Dr. Schneepelstein to look over Mac.

"I just wanted to get Elliot home and move on." Annalise said. "He knows about Glitchers, so I assumed he was related to the person who hired us and I went with it."

"You seriously didn't question why he knew where someone who's been missing for a month was?" Anti scolded.

"Again, I just wanted to move on." Annalise protested.

"I'm adding a week to your punishment." Anti said.

"But, dad!"

"Don't make me make it two!" Annalise bit her lip and lowered her head. She walked away from her dad and went over to Bing, putting her head on his chest and letting him wrap his arms around her. The room going silent for a moment as everyone waited.

"The blood's not his, but he has a large lump on his head. Hence him passing out on our porch." Dr. Iplier said, breaking the silence.

"He must've gotten into a fight or something." Dr. Schneepelstein added. "And he must've won."

"We'll have to wait until he wakes up and then we can talk to him." Dr. Iplier said.

"Let's go egg-hunting!" Mark scooped Jason up. "The Easter Bunny left a lot of eggs for you guys to find."

"Bunny!" Aideen giggled as Jack, Amy and Signe followed Mark outside.

"You guys go on ahead, I'll set up a monitor on him and we'll join ya." Anti said.

"Annalise, stay." Dark said when Annalise tried to leave the house with Bing.

"Damn it." Annalise groaned quietly and went over to her dads.

"Tell us everything, now." Dark said when the others were gone.

"Well, it all started when I was tied to your door at thr-"

"You know what I am talking about." Dark's harsh tone made Annalise curl up a little.

"Start from when you hung up on me after you skipped school." Anti said.

"You did what!?" Dark snapped.

"We'll talk about that later." Anti waved a hand towards Dark. "What happened?"

"I went to the Phillips house." Annalise started, seeing Anti nod a little since he knew that part and Dark was not happy at all. "I had hung up because I heard a noise."

"A noise?" Anti asked.

"Yeah, it was like a weird high-pitched beep or something."

"Weird...keep going."

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