“God, you’re a shitty boyfriend,” Mitch growled.

                “How rude! God is a wonderful boyfriend,” Rio said.

                “Rio, shut up,” Mitch said, managing to shove his brother off of him. He stood up and smirked at Shane. “You’re welcome, Shane.”

                “I disown you as my brother,” Shane grumbled, shutting his phone off and tossing it on the coffee table.

                “You’d miss me,” Mitch said.

                “Nah,” Shane said, shaking his head. “Little brothers are annoying. Right Hank?”

                Hank snapped out of his daze. “Huh? Oh, yea, little brothers are the worst. But at least your brother doesn’t forget he’s blind.”

                “I am not blind. I just have a severe sight impairment,” Rio said.

                Mitch snatched Rio’s glasses off of his face. “You have to admit, it’s fun to steal his glasses and watch him stumble around.”

                “You’re all terrible people,” Rio grumbled, standing up and moving towards Mitch. “I know which blob is you.”

                Mitch tossed the glasses to me. “Yea? Which blob has your glasses now?”

                “I hate you all so much,” Rio said, turning and squinting at us. “Can I have my glasses back before I hurt myself?”

                Hank snickered and held his hands up. I tossed the glasses to him and Rio turned at the noise. He began to squint at all of us in confusion.

                “Mitch, do you have them again? Give them to me!” Rio said, stumbling towards Mitch.

                Mitch grinned and backed away. “Nope. I don’t have them,” he said.

                Rio, unable to see where he was going, hit the wall. He groaned and moved away, glaring at us, trying to figure out who had his glasses. He began to backup a little, and I heard Hank’s sharp intake of breath before feeling him shove by me.

                Hank managed to reach Rio just before he fell down the stairs. He gripped the front of Rio’s shirt, yanking him forward so hard that Rio nearly fell over. He steadied Rio and glared at him.

                “Can’t you ever stop hurting yourself?” he snapped.

                “What?” Rio asked in confusion.

                Hank handed him his glasses. Rio put them on and glanced behind him at the stairs. There was little interest on his face.

                “Oh. Oops,” he said with a shrug.

                “You’re such a pain in the ass,” Hank said, shoving him before returning to sit on the couch.

                “So, now that Rio can see again,” Mitch mumbled, sliding over next to me.

                He shoved me onto the couch and crawled into my lap. I smirked at him as his face loomed dangerously close to mine.

                “Our date sucked. But this can’t go wrong,” Mitch said before bringing his mouth to mine.

                And then we were kissing, and Mitch parted my lips easily, his tongue sliding into my mouth, rubbing against mine. My hands went around him, holding him firmly in my lap. His hands slid into my hair.

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