Chapter 12

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"I think it's cool." I stare at Declan like he's an idiot.

"Me too. You're less than a mental but more than weird." Alec says. I've found out in the past five minted that I've been sitting with these two boys, they are a lot alike. Both idiots.

Alec and Declan look at each other for a while before Declan snaps his fingers and points one at me. "You're a freak." I open my mouth in disbelief. Alec joins in with a straight face.

"Exactly." I shake my head.

"Guys. You are idiots." Both fake gasp.

"Why Scarlet, that hurts." Declan clutches his heart. I roll my eyes.

We hear the sound of a dish breaking and more yelling and we all sigh. A solid five minutes and the other girls are still fighting. I don't understand why and every time I ask Declan or Alec they change the conversation back to me.

We were eating supper and messing around when Vanessa said something to Cecelia that made her cry. Instantly Selena jumped her defense and Mallory to Vanessa's. Benjamin and Draken have been trying to stop the fight, but obviously it isn't working.

"What did Vanessa say?" I ask for the third time.

"I think the question is, what did you say?" Declan asks in a serious voice. "When you woke up from your memory?" I slap him on the shoulder.

"Stop it. You guys are getting annoying." I groan.

"Are we?" Alec asks. "Or is it just you?" I grit me teeth together as push myself away from both guys.

Draken walks into the living room from the kitchen with an annoyed look on his face. "Girls are so dramatic." He mumbles and sits down next to me on the floor.

I take this as my chance. "What did Vanessa say to Cecelia?" He lays down and rolls to his stomach so I can't see his face.

"Nothing." He grumbles. I groan.

"Okay good night." I stand up clearly annoyed by everyone else and go to my room.

"No Scarlet come back." I hear Alec whine but I ignore him. I head into my room and grab my black pajamas that Cecelia washed the second day I was here and head to the bathroom.

I take a shower in the hallway bathroom and quickly get dressed when I'm done. I don't take too long because I'm actually anxious to get to bed. My mind is already plagued with the possible nightmares I'll be having tonight.

I step back into the cold hallway and turn on my heel right into another person's body. I gracefully fall back and land on the floor while smaking my head on the wall.

"Fuck." I hear Draken's voice. He grabs my arm and pulls me to my feet. "Sorry." He says.

I brush off my butt and ignore the pounding in my now sore head. "I'm fine." I declare.

"Are you sure?" He hesitantly raises a hand as if to inspect my head, but then changes his mind and puts his hand down. "Are you going to bed?" He asks and I nod. He gestures with his hand to start walking to the room right across from his. I wave goodnight and just about shut my door when I hear his voice again. "Scarlet?" He asks in his beautiful accent so softly for a moment I thought I imagined it.

I turn around to see him standing in the doorway of his room. The door is halfway closed behind him wear a small light is coming from illuminating his chiseled features. In the low light his bright green eyes shine like lights.

"Yeah?" I ask when I finally believe that he actually said my name.

His eyes flash to the ground before meeting my face again. Despite myself, I start to breathe quicker as he stares at me through the dark.

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