Chapter 5

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My heart hammers in my chest as I try to catch my breath from all my running. I have never been the most athletic person in the world so running all the way from my apartment to the fairgrounds is a struggle, but I need to get here as quick as possible if I am going to save my parents. 

Even through it's late at night, the sky looks bright from the lights coming from all of the rides. The fair is rented by my extremely rich school and then all of the prophets go to charity. Not that a school full of stuck up rich kids cares about charity, it just makes us look good. Sickening I know.

No kids are running around because after 6:00 it's only open for kids sixteen and older so that we don't have to deal with annoying kids.

The ticket taker is one of the moms on the school board who knows me pretty well. I bought my ticket from her as she bid me a happy birthday.

"Thanks." I said quickly while darting my eyes from side to side to look everywhere for my parents. I saw a concerned look enter onto her face as she looks me up and down with another mom on the school board. I follow their gazes to what I am wearing and see that I was still in my black pajamas and happen to not be wearing shoes. I guess I forgot everything in my hurry to get over here. I give another self-conscious wave as I hear one of the moms whisper about 'witnessing a death' and 'messed up now'. I roll my eyes. Nosy stuck up rich mothers.

As soon as I enter the fair gates the smell of carnival food hits me hard. Bright lights flash all around me mixed with the loud squeals of girls and low chuckles of guys. A few people look me up and down and stare at my white hair and then onto my silk pajamas. I am embarrassed even though I'm usually not self-conscious about my hair, I'm used to people staring even though it's natural.

I shake my head as I try to focus. What I look like right now does not matter.

I lift up my bare feet to make myself walk forward and search for any sign of my parents. A loud shriek comes from behind me and I quickly turn to see a boy running after a girl with a huge bug in his hands. I rolled my eyes and walk in a different direction. 

I keep walking past all of the rides in my attempt to find my parents. I walk next to the haunted house even though I know my parents won't be in there. My mother is extremely superstitious and hates anything creepy. Even though it is pointless, I find myself walking closer to the haunted house. It isn't much of a house, it is one of the roller coaster rides that are supposed to be freaky. I went on one of these a couple years ago with Racheal and Liz.


Izzy's voice echoes throughout the metal chambers of the ride. Instead of staying in her cart, she jumped out to explore and Racheal and I can't find her anywhere.

"Izzy this isn't funny anymore!" Racheal screams into the dark. The ride didn't look that big from the outside, but inside is a whole new story. Behind every corner was another hall filled with ridiculous decorations. It seems like people wandering off of the ride was actually part of the show. "Isabel!" Racheal screams again. I know this is serious because Racheal never uses her full name unless she is extremely angry.

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