Chapter 4

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“Are you sure you don't want to come?” My mom stands above me with her jacket in her hands.

“No.” I sit with my legs up so that my chin can rest on my knees. I look out of the window in the living room and see the sky just beginning to darken as the last rays of sun sink underneath the Earth.

My mother sighs above me and my dad just shakes his head. “Scarlet you need to go out, you haven’t left the apartment since Monday.” The incident at the grocery store flashes through my head and I shiver. No, I need to stay here where it’s safe.

“And it’s your birthday.” My mom adds in. I know she feels bad that she is going to leave me home alone on my birthday but we already have had a small birthday dinner so I’m fine. Celebrating isn’t really on my to-do list anyways.

“I don’t feel good.” I reply while not taking my eyes from the window. The people are walking around and moving in their own paces. My mother bites her lip like she wants to say more but my dad grabs her shoulder and shakes his head. Her shoulders slump in defeat.

“If you change your mind just give us a call and we can come get you.” I nod my head and curl my blanket tighter around my body.  They both take turns in kissing the top of my forehead and whisper happy birthday to me then start towards the door to go to the fair that is held every year. I’m not going to lie, the fair is really fun, but I’ve never gone without Liz or Racheal.

My mother turns around to give me once last worried glance and closes the door behind her.

Once they are gone I rip off my blanket and head to the kitchen. My eyes feel heavy and I quickly rub away my tiredness that I have been feeling for the past few days. Maybe I truly am sick.

I walk over to the fridge and see the three white pills sitting on the counter for me to take at 6:00. I walked over to them and scoop them into my hands and dump them down the sink. I turn on the faucet so they wash down. I stopped taking them the day after I met that guy again. He told me I am in danger and even though I still think he is absolutely crazy, I’ve seen enough to that I am scared and I want my senses to be at their highest.

After the pills are safely disposed of, I walk back over to the fridge and grab some ice to but in a plastic bag. I then wrap it in a towel and press it to my head. My head hurts so much all of a sudden like someone is inside it and pounding a hammer against my skull.

I press the ice pack against my head and walk back over to my seat by the window. My head starts to throb and I squeeze my eyes shut to try and block out the pain. As soon as I sit down I feel cold all of a sudden, so cold that my body aches and I feel sick. I quickly hurl the ice pack across the room and bring my blankets back up to my chin. I feel so cold that it hurts. I let out a small whimper as the ache in my head grows worse. My fingers rub against my head as I try to end the pain and numb it a little bit.

When nothing starts to feel better I stand up and try to walk into the kitchen. My headache is making me too dizzy and I fall back into my chair and whimper at the pain.

Then everything stops.

I turn to my side and let out a relived breath and not so sure at what just happened. I feel extremely weak from my sick flash and my breaths come in quick rasps. My eyes roll to the side as I try to focus on anything else. I promise myself that I will never lie about being sick ever again if this just ends.

I take a deep breath and look down to concentrate on the people walking below me except, there isn’t many people down there. My stomach sinks as I squint my eyes to try and make out some of them. I concentrate on a little girl that walks into the middle of the street. Suddenly a car comes past and hits her. I scream and slap my hands against the window. My eyes frantically search the street looking for her body, but nothing is left. Then from the corner of my eye I see her walking back onto the street.

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