Chapter 1

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"So she slept with him?" I ask in disbelief.

Rachael crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. "Yes." She scoffs.

I shake my head. "I don't believe this. It's like I don't even know who she is."

"Star, she's changed." I let the words that my best friend spoke sink in.

There used to be three of us. The three girls that didn't have to try and were automatically popular and pretty. The three of us are- were inseparable since we were little. The three girls that everybody wanted to be.

All it took was one person to split our three into two.

Our friend Izzy took a turn for the worst when she met a guy at the end of our junior year and he changed her into a bad girl. Now she is at every party to get her hand on the latest drug or free alcohol. It's disgusting.

Izzy has always been the dangerous one, but lately it has been out of control.

Ever since she left everybody has been trying to fill the empty gap in our group by sucking up in every way they could. But no one can replace a friend. Not a true friend.

That's why it was so hard to believe the kind of girl she was now. Because I don’t want to believe.

"What are you thinking?" Rachael asks me while blowing a bubble with her gum. I quickly slapped my hand on top of it and caused us to laugh when it pops in her face and her eyes widen in surprise.

"I don't know." I said after the laughter dies down. "I guess it just feels.. weird." I look to the side on my right that Izzy would normally be walking next to us and voicing her opinion on the latest music and art work. I sighed causing Rachael to jump out in front of me and stop me from taking another step.

"Ok stop." She put out her hand to indicate that I need to stop. "We're not going to let her ruin our night! We can have a movie night without three of us. We can start a new tradition with just the two of us." I nod my head like I understood and receive a smile in return. Rachael comes back around to my side and hooks our arms together. "Besides, threes a crowd." I grin at her attempts to make me smile.

She can always do that to me. Make me feel better and brighten my day. She has always been the fun energetic one with the blonde curly hair and smile that lightens anyone's day. Izzy was always the one who knows how to have a good time and always had connections with the right people. She made our group more dangerous and gave us an edge with her pixie cut black hair and petite body. I guess you could say that I'm the practical one of the group that doesn’t stand out a much. My hair is blonde, so blonde almost white, and deathly straight. I am always the serious one that takes control and looks after all of us. We are not your average group of friends. We are all different but help form the perfect friends. That's why a hole is made when one of us breaks away.

A sudden chill sweeps around us. I rub my arms and suddenly wish I would have a grabbed a jacket like my mother told me to. "What the hell!" Rachael screams making me jump.

"What's the matter?" I ask suddenly concerned.

"It's still July! You can't take the heat away yet!" She screamed and pointed up the sky like she is yelling at Mother Nature herself.

I can barely contain my laughter as I pull her arm back to her side and push her forward so that she can get moving. A few people stop and stare at her outburst and I can’t help but think how Izzy would make a face at them or tell them to 'get lost.'

"It gets cold at night, ok chill." I whisper to her so that people will stop looking. Although I have to admit she is right about it being cold for a summer night.

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