Chapter 10

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"Okay so maybe this wasn't my best idea

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"Okay so maybe this wasn't my best idea." Evie sighed as she stared at the food in front of her.

"Definitely." Carlos agreed shrugging. Evie glared at him, hitting him on his arm.

"Ow!" Carlos cried in agony,"Why did you hit me?"

"You are supposed to agree with her. No matter how horrible - err I mean good it looks." Jay explained.

"Okay. It looks delicious Evie." Carlos said, rubbing his temples. Evie glared at him and hit him on his arm again.

"Ow! What was that for now?" Carlos cried out, cradling his arm. That girl can hit real bad.

"For lying to her." Mal explained, her hands in air. She had got used to Evie's weird behaviour.

"It's better to keep your mouth shut around pregnant women, bud." Jay said. He had his share with Lonnie.

Carlos backed away slowly, but was yanked in place by Evie.

The four looked at the horrible dish. It was a mix of pickles, fish, soy sauce, eggs and what not. All that was because Evie had that sudden weird craving.

But now they it looked and smelled horrible. And Carlos could only thank that Evie still did not have a craving to eat it.

"Okay, so let's just throw it in the trash and make something new." Evie said clapping and thrust the plate in Jay's hand, who happily threw it away.

"So what now?" Carlos asked.

"This." Evie chirped as she pushed the new ingredients towards them.

"Chocolate, ginger and doritos?" Jay said gulping. Evie was going to make everyone go to bed empty stomach.


Mal shook her head,"E, how about you rest and we cook a treat for you? Standing so much isn't good for the twins." Mal said, gently pushing Evie towards the door.

"But none of you know how to cook." Evie said, looking at them in confusion.

"I'm sure we'll manage." Mal said looking around. She could bake a little, and Carlos could maybe make something basic. And Jay could steal food, but not make it. Together the three were a recipe for disaster in kitchen. Evie was the one who could cook like a professional.

"Are you sure M?" Evie asked.

"Yes. Now go and rest. The doctor would be very mad if she knew you were exerting yourself. Those kiddos are the top priority now." Mal said. Carlos and Jay hummed in  agreement.

"Okay. If you say so." Evie said putting her hand on her belly where her kids are supposed to be. It took Mal, Jay and Carlos by shock. Where her hand was pressed, their was a tiny bump visible. It hadn't been visible yet because of the flowing dresses Evie had been wearing. But now, with her hand pressed to her stomach, it was very much visible. They felt the need to protect her. Evie looked so vulnerable there. They swore to themselves silently that they would do everything in their power to keep Evie and her children safe and comfortable. Even if that meant breaking Auradon's rules.

"I never thought that I would ever appreciate an extra layer on my belly." Evie admitted with a smile," They are not even here, not even developed, and I already love them so much, that sometimes it scares me."

Mal hugged her,"That's why we are here Evie. You don't have to go through this alone."

"We're all here whenever you need us. No matter the time or date or reason." Jay said as he hugged the two girls. He wondered if that was what Lonnie was feeling.

"Anything for them Evie. Even if it means giving up my life. Anything." Carlos said as he joined the group hug.

They stood there hugging for a few moments, before breaking the hug.

"So E, you should rest. Okay?" Mal said.

Evie nodded and made her way to her room. She had been altering Jay and Doug's jackets all afternoon and now she was tired. She could use a good sleep.

"Alright, I'll come by later." Evie said, yawning," Don't set the kitchen on fire."

"I hope so E. I really do." Mal said, once Evie was our of earshot. With a new found determination she turned towards the guys and said sternly," Alright guys, we have a mission to do."


Hey guys!

So it's been a long time. This chapter was long overdue. I'm really busy rn, and maybe my updates would be slow, but I'm not abandoning this book. I hope you guys understand. Life has been crazy and honestly I just can't wait for the vacations to begin.

So anyway, I just wanted you guys to know.

Till next time!

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