5. Seeking Solace

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Gone. I couldn't believe she was gone. My love, my only love, isn't here anymore. Why did she have to do it? I cared for her so much. She was all I had, all I could love. She was my sister.

My sister and I had a hard life. We had never gotten along until our mother died. She was the only person who loved us, even though we were so different. We knew we weren't normal, and we didn't expect people to like us... But not one person other than our mother cared for us. It's like we were plagued, no one would even come near us.

So when our mother was murdered, I was just happy my sister was spared. My sister was left mute due to her throat being cut. I can still remember the fear. My little sister on the brink of death laying in my cold mother's arms. We were able to save my sister, but sadly she was unable to speak ever again. Our mother wasn't so lucky. We buried her a week later.

My sister is dead. What was I supposed to do now? I couldn't sit here and mourn forever. But now I had no one like me. I was alone in a human's world.

I'm a fallen angel. Yes, I know it's a little strange. I broke some rules, and yet I got the worst punishment: being reborn in the human world. It doesn't sound bad, but it is. My sister also got reborn here. The mother who got chosen was a bit different than most. She promised us safety, she took care of us.

With my mother gone, I was supposed to take care of my sister. I failed that too. I guess the stress was too much for her. But jumping off a building seems a bit odd. I suppose she wanted to take the 'fallen angel' part to her grave.

"What do I do now?" My voice echos in the empty cemetary late at night. The cemetary glows from the fence lights, flickering on and off with age.

The cemetary is silent. Not a sound to be.... CRACK!

"What was that? Who's there?" I yell into the darkness. "Whoever's there, come out! Don't go around scaring mourners!"

A figure steps out of the darkness, in the form of a black cat. "Hello there lost boy, you need some help?" The cat meowls.

"W-what the hell are you?" I stutter, my voice cracking like a teenaged boy. The cat smiles slyly and curls up next to me.

"I'm but a lost soul amongst the dead. I can not leave, but I do help. My name is Nickel, a pleasure," the figure smoothly says with an extremely heavy Russian accent.

"How do you help? You're just a cat," I ask as I turn towards my sister's grave.

"I provide comfort for those who have lost others..." The cat stops and hops onto my lap. "And here I shall stay until you are well."

With his last word I collaps into tears, letting the cat snuggle closer. "Thank you Nickel, thank you so much!" With that, we remain here for days, weeks, months, who's to know. Neither of us can feel the time passing.

I want to thank my lovely editor Spain (Chibiwriter, http://www.wattpad.com/user/chibiwriter) for helping me with grammar on this story! Please go check her out, she's my bestest of friends!

Also go check out my boyfriend, Russia (livelaughjubalee, http://www.wattpad.com/user/livelaughjubalee) whom I love very much and have been quite busy with for the last while. ;) Sorry for not updating anything else right now, exams are starting up, but then it's summer vacation! Yay for updates! Anyways, I'll see you all soon mes belle fleurs!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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