3. Light

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It's dark. So very, very dark. Wandering around in the dark could prove fatal if I continue, but I can't seem to find my house. All I remember is walking home and seeing these bright lights, and now I can't see anything. All I can hear is a faint beeping sound and the buzzing of invisible people.

Maybe I'm dead. Ha, that would be a blessing! I laugh in my head. See, my life isn't going to well, what with me failing my final exams and then my cat died. I got fired from my job and my brother is now sick. All I've wanted to do was escape the world for a while, and now I can! I sit back and relax, enjoying the darkness.

"We're losing her! She's not responding!" I hear yelling echoing around me. Crying emerges from the bustling of people and I recognize it quite well. My mum is crying, but I can't see her. "Please don't die sweetie, please don't die."

So I am dead... I sit to think about this while the screaming around me gets louder. Just as I'm about to run away, a light appears in front of me. I like light, dark is scary. But isn't the light a sign of death? I ponder.

I completely ignore my thoughts and sprint towards the light. As I reach it, I collapse on the ground and start coughing, my chest burning in pain. Am I dying, is this what it feels like? Just as suddenly as the pain starts, it stops and I fall into a deep, endless sleep.

I guess the light isn't that safe after all...

All done this chapter mes beaux fleurs! Next chapter will be up soon!

100 Themes Challenge (Contains BoyxBoy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ