2. Love

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"Why have you asked for therapy Mr. Itou?" the man in the leather chair asks, tapping his pen impatiently on his notepad. He asks me every day and I give him the same answer. I don't know. Today though, I have figured out why.

"I have an illusion that follows me around wherever I go, and I can't get rid of it," I sigh. The therapist scribbles down a note and gestures for me to continue. "He looks like me, but has sharp fang-like teeth and black hair instead of my blond hair. He has demonic wings and horns, and his eyes are an eery red colour," I finish my sentance with a  sigh.

"I see, and where is this illusion right now?" I look to the left on the couch and see my demonic reflection smirking at me. I point to him and my therapist keeps scribbling.

"His name is Nemod, because he is a demon," I say. "I don't know what to do about him.

"It's because you adore me, right my lovely host?" I glare at him then back at my therapist. I would say that, but I'm insane enough.

After two hours of endless pointless questions and explinations, I get up to leave. I get stopped by my therapist  and turn to face him. "Why did you actually come here, since you seem to get the fact that he isn't real and that if you wanted to get rid of him you would just have to take pills.

"Because, I don't want to get rid of him. I want him to be real! I-I'm in love with my illusion!" I yell, running out the door with tears in my eyes.

Tah-dah! All done this chapter. Hope you enjoyed and I will be updated everything soon as I can!

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