lick that stick 👅

48 5 7

(i died my hair back to black, wus good)

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(i died my hair back to black, wus good)

be a man whore

a how-to, by jack hwang

firstly, your ass has got to be a man. sorry ladies! this one is for the dick monchers with dicks!

make sure you a) have no regrets, b) can fuck bitches, c) will not hesitate to suck a dick, and lastly d) have an attitude because we do not appreciate a weak bitch!

ride that dick like a bmx honey, you. earned. that. shit. don't let any pussy or dick snatch what's yours, because you will claw their tits and chuck them into niagra falls! you're a man whore and you're proud !

lick that stick boy. bounce on that dick. slurp that reward. eat that ass. smack so you can hear that bass. you know what i mean 🤠

(i'm genuinely apologetic for this chapter. just wanted an excuse to share that my hair is black now)

((fuck bitches get money bye))

JACKY BOI ━ PERSONALHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin