"Find out." Sara (Mills) says.

I open it and inside is an iPhone X. I nearly pass out. With the contact 'DA BEST UNCLE EVER'

"His words. Not ours." Zoë holds up her hands.

I answer it.

"HAPPY FREAKIN BIRTHDAY!" Joe shouts making me go deaf for a second.

"Jeez Josephine." I say holding the phone away from me.

"See you later." He hangs up.

"That was. Random." Isabelle laughs.

"That's Joe." Alfie shrugs.

I run over to Zoë and Alfie and hug them for ages.

I open the rest and I got some really cute stuff.

"Now. Go change." Zoë tells me.

"Okay. What occasion." I ask.

"Breakfast fit for a queen." She laughs.

"Because that is what you are. A literal queen!" Tyler says.

"TYLER!" I scream running over.

"What about me?" Troye says.

"TROYE!" I scream.

I hug the both of them literally crying.

"Anyone jealous they didn't eat the same reaction." Harvey holds up his hand.

"I see you guys literally every week." I laugh.

"Don't cry queen." Tyler bends down to hug me.

"I'm just so happy." I smile.

"Now go get changed for your breakfast feast." Troye bends down also.

I don't really mention it but Troye and I still talk everyday to this day. No matter what time-zone we always talk. We find a way.

Ever since they came to my eleventh birthday we haven't lost contact.

I change into

I leave my hair down and side split it

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

I leave my hair down and side split it. I do my makeup and finally make my way down.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Ahhh. You look so grown up!" Zoë claps her hands together.

"Oh my. Please tell me today isn't going to be full of this." I shake my head.

"Sorry babes." Zoë kisses me on the head.

"Let's head shall we?" Mum smiles.

The Journey Ahead  \\Sequel to ABZ// Where stories live. Discover now