"Not without me around." Jaden steps in front of me protectively.

"We need to speak with her in private." The bulky one shoves Jaden out of the way and steps in front of me. I try to get back to Jaden but Bulky throws me to the ground. "You stay here."

"Don't fucking touch her you bastards!" Jaden swings and punches Bulky in the face. Tall tries to restrain Jaden but he kicks him in the groin and Tall falls to the ground. "Rayne." He runs over to me.

"I'm okay. I think we should call the police. Do you have the cameras set up?"

"Yes." He pulls out his phone as he helps me up. "Hi. Yes. The situation is that two men came here and assaulted my wife." I heard a girl on the other end but couldn't make out what she was saying. "We live on one thirty-five Cherry Avenue." She continued to say something. "No. They are immobilized right now. I don't think they're going anywhere." She said another thing. "Yes. Okay. Yes. Thank you." He hangs up. "She said that they would be here in maybe ten minutes."

"Good. They'll probably get away with it anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"Like they'll probably say that it was a misunderstanding or the police will say that it was a first time thing and they'll just get a warning." I throw my hands up into the air out of rage. I hear the sirens two blocks away.

Jaden walks out and leads them to where we are standing. Jaden shows them the cameras. They watch intently then ask the two guys why they were here in the first place.

"We are salespeople. We came to sell some of our finest clothes."

"It doesn't seem that way."

"It was really. We'll be going now." Tall and Bulky walk out of the house, get into their car, and drive off.

"Call us if they come back." The officer says as him and his team leave.

Jaden watches as they leave us in silence. He walks into the garage. Shortly after I hear a metallic bang. I rush into the garage and see his hand dripping crimson blood. I look around and see a dent on our metal file cabinet. Around the dent there is blood. He sees me walk in and leaves to the bathroom. I chase after him. Jaden slams the door and locks it. I run into the door and start to hit it as hard as I can.

"Jaden! Open the goddamn door!" I start to cry. "Jaden! Fucking open this fucking door!" I hear a weird scraping noise. "Jaden! What are you doing! Please open the door!"

He opens the door. Before he can walk into our bedroom I see blood seeping through his pants. I grab his arm.

"Did you cut?" I whisper this so quiet I can barely hear my words.

He looks at me then walks back into the bathroom. Probably tending to his still bleeding wound. I sit on the couch and rest my head in my hands. 'Should I go talk to him or should I leave him alone for a while? I wonder if it was all apart of a plan. They didn't even ID the two guys. Which is weird for Stowe.' As my aggravating thought buzz in and out of my brain, Jaden walks out of the bathroom. He grabs the rubbing alcohol then goes back. 'What is he doing now.' As I contemplated this, I hear a muffled yell from inside of the bathroom. I knock on the door but there's no answer. Before I can knock again he walks out with puffy, red, teary eyes. He shoves past me, walks into the bedroom and shuts the door. I look at the clock. Ten thirty it said. I slip into the bedroom and grab my journal. I grab a pen from the desk and turn around. Jaden's sound asleep under the covers. I silently shut the door and sit on the couch.

1-22-2007 10:30 PM

Two guys came into our house. I don't know what they wanted. I wish I knew. I get the sickening feeling that they were with Brad. Jaden cut. I wish he would tell me what's going on. He seems a little uptight lately. Ever since he got that call from Jackie. I want to know what she said to make him act like this. Jaden's asleep right now. I'll ask him tomorrow.

Slowly Drowning (Under Construction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora