Running With The Wolves

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Mikayla and Kelly head to his loft before they hit the road. She explores his back tattoo as they shower after their morning session of fun. Afterwards she gets dressed and waits for him to finish packing. She walks around looking at some pictures of him and his fire crew and his best friend Shay. When he's done she walks to his car ready. "We're not taking the car." He says. She frowns confused until she sees him go to his bike. "We're doing this the right way."

"Awesome, just how I like it, a backpack and the open road." She climbs on behind him and they take off. They enjoy their ride until they reach the Kansas state line. Kelly feels her grip on him tighten. "You alright?"

"Yeah, just too close to home is all, don't wanna be home right now." Kelly speeds up passing the state in no time. "Thanks." She says giving him a squeeze. Once they reach Colorado and the Rocky Mountains they come to a stop on the side of the road to stretch and find a spot to use the bathroom. As Mikayla leans against a tree waiting with her eyes closed listening to nature she hears something in the distance. "You hear that?" She ask leaning off the tree. "No, what?" Kelly ask pulling up his zipper. "Water." She smiles and runs ahead. "Wait! Wait for me." He runs after her and comes to a stop when he sees what she's looking at. "Holy shit." He exhales.

"It's beautiful." She whispers as they gaze at the waterfall. "That's a long way down." He says grabbing a rock and drops it down, watching it disappear in the mist below. They walk around a bit being careful not to slip on the rocks. As they walk a bit Kelly points out to something in the distance. "That a cabin?" She squints looking further up. "Sure is, come on." She rushes over and Kelly tries to keep up. "Kinda creepy lookin' don't ya think?" He ask and they stand side by side looking at it. "Cabin in the woods." She whispers stepping up to the porch. "That was a good movie, but I'm not trying to get killed like those kids."

"I'll protect you." She laughs looking through the windows. "Looks abandoned to me." He says checking it out himself. She walks to the door finding it locked, and wiggles the door knob getting it opened. "What are you doing?"

"Don't you wanna check inside?" She ask slowly opening the door. "Fine, two minutes." He gives in and they walk in slowly. The cabin isn't that big, about half the size of the bunkers library. "Check this out." Kelly says from across the room. She walks over seeing two barrels full of dynamite. "What use do you have for dynamite in the woods?" Kelly ask. "Hunting, I guess." Mikayla shrugs. "What's more fun than blowing stuff up?" She laughs. "Alright, lets get out of here, I don't have a good feeling about this place." Kelly says grabbing her hand taking her outside. A few feet from the porch is six people standing there looking at them. Three girls and three guys.

"Who are you two?" The tallest ask, stepping forward. "Sorry, my girlfriend and I got lost and we just wanted some directions." Kelly lies. "We were just checking if someone was home." Mikayla adds. "Names Trevor." He introduces. "This is my girlfriend Stella, my brother Matt and his girlfriend Leslie, and my best friend Alex with his girlfriend Jessica."

"Names Kelly and this is Mikayla." Mikayla waves awkwardly at them. "Are you guys camping out here? Pretty cool cabin, what are you having a couples retreat?" Mikayla ask. "Sorta yeah, you guys wanna join? We were about to about to head to the lake and go swimming, have some beers."

"Uh, sure why not, we're not in a hurry." Mikayla answers. "Great we'll change and get going." Trevor says. They go inside leaving Kelly and Mikayla alone. "Did you forget we're headed to Cali?" Kelly ask. "No, come on, live a little. Wouldn't you like to say that you got to swim in this lake with a view like this? The sunny Venice beach can wait for a few hours."

"Fine, but after the swim, we leave, we gotta make it there by tomorrow afternoon."

"I promise, we will, if anything I can just fly us there in seconds."

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