Chapter 8: Space Race!

Start from the beginning

"Any excuse." John states and Oriana puts her mask on. Alan heads out on his hoverboard and has a look at the odd machine.

"Are you getting this, Thunderbird Five?" Alan asks as he flies around it, scanning it for Thunderbird Five while he checks it out.

"Affirmative Thunderbird Three, running a trace." John explains.

"Looks like some kind of weapon." Izzy adds.

"I really hope not." Oriana explains, and Alan wipes off a screen and sees it was struggling to connect; it shows a symbol of an explosion before it begins counting down.

"That's... not good." Alan exclaims, "John, Izzy, this thing is on!"

"Alan, you need to get out of there now!" John exclaims.

"Okay!" Alan exclaims and heads back to Thunderbird Three as quickly as he could.

The theme song begins. 'Five' Thunderbird Five is shown in space. 'Four' Thunderbird Four is shown under water. 'Three' Thunderbird Three is shown launching into Space. 'Two' Thunderbird Two is shown flying. 'One!' Thunderbird One is shown launching out of the pool before it flies through the O in Heroes. Light Flashes and Scott is shown back to back with a long blonde haired blue-eyed girl named Alison who looks away from him. Thunderbird One floats behind them. Light Flashes and a brown haired blue-eyed girl by the name of Isabelle was sticking out her tongue while she leaned onto John's shoulder as he had his arms crossed. Thunderbird Five floated behind them as their names were beside them. Light Flashes and Virgil had his hands on his hips while Emily, a brown-haired girl with two different eye colors brushed her hair out of her face while she smiled. Their names floated out beside them while Thunderbird Two is shown behind them. Light Flashes and Gordon is shown running while he holds Oriana, a short blonde haired and green-eyed girl's hand. Thunderbird Four was behind them while their names were out to the left of them. Light Flashes and Alan stood alone with Thunderbird Three behind him. Light Flashes and Kayo is shown holding her helmet while Thunderbird Shadow was behind her. Light Flashes and Brains is revealed standing beside Max. Light Flashes and the London Agent, Lady Penelope is shown smiling in front of FAB ONE while Parker and her dog Sherbet are beside her. Light Flashes revealing scenes from the chapter. 'THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO!' The title is shown before smoke covers the area.

Oriana and Alan watch whatever the space junk is. It looked as if it was looking at something. Brains was currently looking over the schematics for it.

"So, what's the score with this thing, Brains?" Alan asks.

"Oh, cool, you found a stealth mine." Emily exclaims.

"You know what that is?" Brains asks.

"Yeah, I heard rumors that there were still some in space." Emily explains, "It's left over from the global conflict of 2040."

"That's why it was invisible to our scanners." John adds.

"Powerful enough to blast a mid-size ship out of orbit." Brains explains.

"And now it's been activated..." Alan states.

"Oops." Oriana breathes out.

"It enters a self-destruct sequence if it loses contact with the command network which was mothballed in 2043." Emily explains.

"We have 30 minutes before that thing goes off." John adds.

"If we can locate the kill code, we can deactivate the mine manually." Izzy explains.

"Problem solved. Or do I detect a 'but'?" Alan asks.

"With the command network offline, it will perceive any nearby vessel as the enemy." Brains explains.

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