Circus Girl 🎪Eight

Start from the beginning

"So what brings you guys here in town?"Joo Hyun asked as she gobbled on her cheese cake.

"We bought some gifts for my Mama."So Rim answered pointing towards the items Changsub were holding, the four of them (Soo Young, Joo Hyun, Tae Kwang and So Rim) were occupying the four seated table while Changsub decided to sit a bit farther from them to prevent from invading the two young royals business with the two new found friends.

"Oh for what occasion?"Soo Young asked as the waitress handed them the food they ordered.

"Auntie's birthday."Tae Kwang answered as he took a sip of his chocolate drink.

"Jinja? Then tell your Mama we said Happy Birthday."Joo Hyun said with a smile as So Rim nodded in response. While Joo Hyun was busy talking with the two kids Soo Young on the other hand was bothered that Changsub was sitting farther from them and he wasn't eating anything.

"Sorry to ask but is it okay for Changsub to be sitting over there? He can join in with us."Soo Young trailed off which made So Rim tensed since her new eonnie was curious on who and what was Changsub doing with them, even though they would like to tell the two ladies who they are but they remembered that they were prohibited to reveal their identity to have a better childhood.

"Ah, he doesn't like talking much. He prefers to be alone."So Rim made an excuse hoping that Soo Young would stop asking her questions or she would be forced to lie.

"Ah.. I see."was all Soo Young could say as she went back to talking to the kids as she also finished eating her snacks.


So Rim noticed that Soo Young and Joo Hyun were both wearing the same handmade bracelet but with different colors. Soo Young's was Green while her sister was Pink.

"Did you make that bracelet yourself?"the young Princess asked which made the two to glance at their wrist.

"Yes. Our other sister Seungwan made it when we were younger."Joo Hyun answered.

"It's pretty."So Rim comments.

"It really is. She made 5 of this before, she gave us each and the other one she gave to our friend."Soo Young answered. During their time together Joo Hyun noticed how So Rim and Tae Kwang reminded her of her sister and Soo Young noticed her older sisters silence.

"Hey are you okay?"Soo Young asked her but Joo Hyun just nodded in response as she stopped looking at the two kids.

Joo Hyun noticed the time and was taken a back to know that they are going to be late to their prior schedule.

"Omo! Soo Young we are going to be late."Joo Hyun exclaimed as she immediately stood up as her sister's eyes widen upon her realization as well.

"You're right! I forgot!"Soo Young almost yelled as the two kids were left wondering why they were acting all worked up.

"Eonnies is everything okay?"Tae Kwang asked as Joo Hyun glanced at him.

"Ah yes don't worry about it, but we are afraid that we would be heading first now. We need to go to work."She said.

"Really? What is your work?"So Rim asked.

"Singing. We are singers."Soo Young answered as she winked at the two kids. They both kissed them goodbye and nodded to Changsub as they passed by him.

"See you next time kids. Bye!"the two sisters waved goodbye as they rushed out of the cafe.



I hurriedly ran towards my room and changed into my normal clothes as I quickly wore my shoes. I promised Dong Wook-hyung that I would go with the two kids today but Gong Yoo-hyung called me for a meeting all of a sudden. It took quite a while before it ended, he just discussed to us about Tae Kwang being announced as the Crown Prince. And even though we already discussed this a year ago, it was already time for me, Suho and Hyunsik to finally settle in marriage since we weren't getting any younger and also warned us that if we can't get married within this year we will be forced to be wed to ladies the Head Minister will choose for us. I guess Dong Wook's excuse for us being busy and not yet ready was already too used.

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