Circus Girl 🎪Five

Start from the beginning


"So you haven't bought a gift for your Uncle huh?"the lady asked as So Rim just nodded. "Well what do you think your Uncle would like to have? What's his hobbies?"she added.

"Well I'm not really sure, since he's always busy all the time. But I remember that he used to sing us a song when he feels like it, but it happens seldom though since my Mama said he had lost his inspiration to sing."So Rim told a stranger about her Uncle like she was actually recommending Sungjae to this lady in front of her.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but how about giving your uncle a poem."the lady suggested.

"Poem? But I don't know how to make a poem."So Rim said in disbelief.

"No worries I'll write one for you now, I love writing poems since I was a singer myself and making poem was my hobby."she said as So Rim's mood brightened up as she saw the pretty lady took out a piece of scented paper from her bag and a marker. "So may I ask something that would actually make your Uncle like?"she asked as the little girl came into a deep thinking before she actually thought of something her Uncle would like and also need.

"Well I recently knew that he misses someone, could you make a poem that would express his feelings?"So Rim said before the lady made a long pause before she started writing down a on the spot made poem. She read it first before finalizing by adding her initials on the bottom which is PSY and put on a Fighting message with a heart on the sides. "And volla! It's done, a hope your Uncle would like it."she added as So Rim cheered in happiness.

"Thank you so much! I'll definitely give this to him later."So Rim exclaimed as the lady smiled.

"Well then, don't forget to tell him that a very nice town lady made it to cheer him up."she said revealing her pearly white teeth.

"Yes yes."So Rim said before they were interrupted when Changsub came in between their conversation and informed the little lady that it was time for her to go home.

She hugged the lady and bid goodbye before she walked out of the coffee shop with her guard and helpers. It was only the time So Rim remembered that she forgot to ask her name, she quickly ran back to the shop but the town lady was already gone.

"I hope I meet her again. I forgot to ask her name."She mumbled before she walked back towards her awaiting carriage.


"Waaaah! Uncles!!!"So Rim ran towards and hugged her three uncles welcome.

"Aigoo, looks like little So Rim is happy today. Something good happened?"Hyunsik ask revealing his famous eye-smile. Before she could respond, Tae Kwang beat her to it.

"She's been talking about that pretty lady she saw in town this afternoon. And she's been blabbering about it like a million times!"Tae Kwang said clearly annoyed. Her three uncles stared at her baffled.

"Pretty lady? What's her name?"Suho was the one who asked which made Sungjae chuckle from his obvious interest with the mention of a pretty lady while Hyunsik on the other hand hit him on the head.

"You have multiple ladies already."Hyunsik pointed out but Suho just ignored him and focused on So Rim to tell them in details about the new friend she found in town.

"That's the thing, she kept on talking about how nice, pretty and perfect she looked like. She forgot to ask for her name."Tae Kwang butted in again as he was playing with his toy car.

"Shut up Tae Kwang! They are talking to me not you!"So Rim yelled at him clearly annoyed with him stealing her chance to tell about the lady.

"Whatever."Tae Kwang said as he walk up to his Uncle Hyunsik and ask for a piggyback ride.

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