So Happy, Yet So Lost?

Start from the beginning

*Eliza POV*

I went downstairs to get my phone. Gosh! Did I actually say stuff out loud? STUPID! Then I see Jonah finally back again from who knows where.

"Hey Jo!" I say.

"Hi El," he says.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"Somewhere," he says but I kinda gave him a glare.

"Okay fine, I went to get dinner reservations but I couldn't so now we're gonna have a dinner at home, if you're up for it?" He explains.

"Not really, I had a headache, and still kinda do but next time?" I asked.

"Sure," He says.

When I got back upstairs, I found a sleeping Daniel, cuddling his guitar. So I decided to go to Jonah's room and chill there.

*Two days later*

*Jonah POV*
I've been meaning to tell Eliza that I only see her as a sister, and it'd be best if we just stayed friends but I don't wanna hurt her feelings. So I've been pacing back and forth. Then she comes by.

"Hey Jo, you okay?" She asked.

"Um can we talk?" I ask.

"Um yeah, I've been meaning to talk to you anyways," she says.

We both sit down.

"So what's up?" she asked.

"Well I hope I don't hurt you, but I only see you as a sister/friend, and I've tried seeing you like a girlfriend but I couldn't. But at one point I did have a small crush on you but it was a small one. So I hope we could just stay as best friends?" I say.

"Wow, you took the words right out of my mouth," She says.

"Jonah, I feel the same way. Yeah there was a point that I grew feelings for you but once we dated for a while, I didn't feel that chemistry, you know?" she continues.

"Yeah! I completely understand," I say.

"So we're good?" I asked.

"Of course!" she says. 

"See ya later Jo," she says and then she walks upstairs.

At least I got that off my chest. 

*Eliza POV*
Whew! At least I got that off my chest. I wish him the best, and hopes he finds the "one" and will be happy :)
Meanwhile, Daniel and I, we're starting to become better again, except I don't want a relationship for now. Taking a break from the dating world. But I'll start to date again when I'm ready and have a strong connection with someone. Maybe just maybe the right guy for me will not hurt me in any way and that someone that I could feel a whole lot of chemistry with. That someone, is the ideal man for me. Just a strong, caring, loving, and amazing man will appear in my life. Now I can't say I'm over Daniel, which I'm not but it's getting there? Just as I was thinking, Daniel appears in front of me.

"Hey, do you want to get ice cream?" Daniel asks.

"Um sure why not?" I say and we head out to the car and drive to the ice cream parlor.

As we get there, we got da ice cream and just walked to the park since it was nearby. There, we just talked about stuff. 

"So, I heard you and Jonah broke up?" He says.

"Yeah," I say.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well he was sweet and everything but we decided that staying best friends was better, since we only looked at each other like siblings/ best friends and nothing more. So we decided to break up since there was no 'chemistry' between us," I explain.

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