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Eliza got super angry so she finally said something.
"Ok now you broke me from my silence and now I'm going to start talking again! You think your the best person ever going off to every girl and then you cheat on them once you find someone 'hotter' and then you just cheat so yeah have fun with this piece of monstrous cheater. Ugh!" Eliza purposely push her shoulder onto his because of how mad she was. She sees Daniel and she went up to him and talked.
"Oh my gosh, you'd never believe what just happened! Ugh!!!" Eliza said.
"Um Eliza?" Daniel said.
"What?" Eliza asked.
"Your actually talking!" Daniel said while smiling.
"Oh really? Cuz i got super angry at my stupid ex-boyfriend. Ughh!" Eliza shouted.
"Just tell me," Daniel said.
"So I tried to ignore him and he just was rude to me and he just be like oh why aren't you talking or are you an idiot? That just drove me crazy!!!" Said Eliza.
"Oh wow! So you start yelling and now you talking? Yay!" Daniel said.
"Yeah, well I'll talk to you later, gotta get home!" Eliza said.
*2 hours later*
*Eliza's phone vibrated*
"Hmm I wonder who texted me?" Eliza said to herself.
Eliza checks her phone and sees that daniel added her on Snapchat.
*Daniel(danielcv) added you by contacts*
Eliza added him back and chatted with him.
Daniel is typing......
From Daniel
E-Heyyyyy Daniel
D-what's up Eliza?
E-Nm just my stupid ex from 2 hours ago.
E-yeah so how's ur day today?
D-Zach wants to text you
E- just give him my snap user
*15 min later*
*Zach Herron (@zach_herr0n) added you*
Zach Herron is typing......
From Zach Herron
Eliza opened the chat.
Z-hey Eliza!!!
Z-can I talk to u like calling? Or vid chat or something?
E- yeah sure i mean I talk again now so why not?
Zach called her.

drowning in silence; daniel seavey✔️Where stories live. Discover now