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Sunnie's pov

My hand shakes as I hold onto my phone, my other hand pressed against my mouth to try and keep my heavy breathing covered. I am sitting right outside of the door of the studio that Jimin, my sister, and my dad are in, and I don't want to be caught. It is getting incredibly hard for me to stop the silent sobs leaving my mouth, and I can feel the beginnings of a panic attack creeping up on me.

I didn't want this to happen. That was the whole reason why I didn't want Jimin to be friends with Tanzy. Now its too late, my eyes not leaving my dad's form as he holds the gun threateningly in his hands. I can't do anything more than press the number one on my phone, it ringing quietly as they continue to talk.

"Hello? Sunnie?"

"Chris....w-where are you right now? Did you go to the police station yet?"

I can barely get the words out of my mouth, my lips trembling as I keep my voice down to a whisper. I jump when my dad yells suddenly, brandishing the gun in front of him. My heart just about beats out of my chest as he steps towards Jimin while using the gun to point at his chest, my tears falling faster.

"I literally walked into the station just now. What is it? Whats wrong?"

"My dad is with Jimin" I say between my quiet sobs, my whole body shaking at this point. "He has a gun Chrissie. The police need t-to get here now!"

"Holy shit--" it sounds as if he brought the phone away from his mouth to talk to someone, his voice muffled. The sound of him talking fills my end of the phone, but I am unable to hear what is being said at the moment.

"Sunnie, the police are going to track your call and find out where you are, so keep talking to me. They told me to tell you to stay put until they get there."

No way in hell. I know its clique and stereotypical for the girl or guy in this type of situation to go out and help their loved one despite what they are instructed to do, but I understand why they do it. Jimin helped me through so much. He showed me what it felt like to be loved, and he showed me that I actually could love another person. I can't just watch as he faces my dad all by himself.

I place the phone on the ground, ignoring Chris's yells as I step out of my hiding spot. My feet pad softly against the floor of the dance studio, everyone turning towards the noise.

"S-sunnie. What the hell are you doing here?" Jimin asks, his eyes widening in fear. He had kept up his facade of confidence until I showed up, his concern for me showing. I don't look at him, keeping my eyes on my dad as he squints his eyes in my direction.

"Sunnie? Its been a while since I last saw you."

He's drunk. I can tell because he is smiling at me. He never smiles at me unless he is wasted, which is why I'm not afraid as I step closer to him. I shake my head at Jimin when he tries to pull me away, his eyes wide as he stares after me.

"H-hi dad" I say softly, stopping when I get in front of him. I am shocked when he pulls me into his arms, him basically crushing me against his chest. He holds me in place as I stare over his shoulder at the mirror behind him, meeting Jimin's eyes in the reflection. 

"Where did you run off to?" my dad asks as he pulls away to look at my face, him a little unsteady on his feet. I can't help but feel bad for him. I don't have the love and respect that I used to have for him. He is a sad excuse of a parental figure, and it pains me that I only figured that out after a year of being separated from him. 

"Why won't you answer me?" his gruff voice inquires, his hand coming up to cup my face. I flinch on reflex, watching as his smile slips off of his face. His breath reeks of alcohol when he leans towards me and squints his eyes, them bloodshot and watery.

"You know I would never hurt you.....right?" he says quietly, using the gun to stroke the side of my face. A small squeal escapes my mouth as I try and step back and away from him only to have his hold on me tighten, his gaze hardening as he looks back over at Jimin.

"Then why have you been living with this guy, huh? Did I not take good care of you?"

"I-I love him dad" I stutter as pathetic tears fall from my eyes and stream down my cheeks. He scowls before pushing me over in Jimin's general direction, his arms catching me before I have a chance to fall.

"Then you'll die with him, bitch" Tanzy yells from her spot in the corner, a smirk on her face as she locks eyes with me. I don't know what I ever did to her in order for her to hate me this much. All I know is that she will get what she deserves. 

Jimin's arms tighten around my shaking form as he pulls me closer to his chest, my eyes clenching shut as I pray that we won't have to die this way. 

"Freeze! Drop the gun and put your hands where I can see them!" 

Dance for me: BTS Jimin Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum