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"Ma?!" He stood up in fury that night "You can't be serious eh?!" Her younger brother scoffs out in disbelief "After what he's done to us- you still love that jerk?!"

"I-" It left her speechless. No other words are able to come out.

Neither does she.

"After all you've done just to keep us together?" His voice trails out... Laced with loath

"I'm so sorry..."

The sad tone of her voice rings again. The pain laced in her voice causes her heart to ache, forcing her to awake from her sad dream.

The sunbeams through the window blinds of her room, hitting directly at her eyes making her squint.

A knock on her door then reaches her for a second.

"Yunha? Dear?" Her mother manages to speak out, sliding thru the small gap of the door. She looks up, only to see her eyes swollen, face puffy from crying again.

She puckers her lips to a thin line, before managing out a small smile "Good Morning, Ma"

"Glad you're already awake. Breakfast is ready, and JK is waiting for you"

She nods again and her mom leaves. Yunha sighs out, half- disheartened. She feels her body wanting to fall back into bed- drowsy from lack of sleep. Working till the devil's hour just to help sustain their daily needs; They need to help each other.

But one job isn't enough, she serves at a cafe after class. The shop is managed and run by Jia's mother. If this sacrifice isn't an act of love to you, I don't know how numb you must be?

She stretches out and pulls the blanket away before starting her routine to begin the day again


If only the day is merciful to people like her...

"Oh! Lady Jeon has awoken from her slumber" Her brother teases

"Shut up" She puts her tongue out, Jungkook does the same.

Her mother grins, shaking her head at the two bickerings "Yah! Go eat now!"

Yunha sits across her brother at the table, eyebrows furrowed together as she fills her glass with soy milk. She momentarily glares at him.

"What?" Jungkook asks obliviously


She carefully picks the fried egg from the plate and sets it on top of her rice bowl. The silence between them three was quite heavy but bearable as they ate. She spares a glance at Jungkook who is skimming his textbook, whilst holding the spoon of his bowl of cereal is out and getting soggy

probably reviewing for a quiz today?

Same to her mother who is reading the latest in the news column. She dreads to go ahead and complete the day.

Yunha looks away and continues eating. It takes another 5 minutes for her to notice him ignoring the bowl. She taps her finger on the table as loud as possible making the latter flinch.

"Chop chop Mr. Jeon! The cereal isn't going to eat itself"

He rolls his eyes and begins to eat again, slurping the milk soup. Their mother slyly smiles, sipping the last of her coffee. She folds the newspaper and leaves it there, stands up ahead, and grabs her handbag.

"I'll be off to work now. Behave at school okay?"

"Yes Ma!" They speak in unison.

Their mother leaves a kiss to both of them just before she leaves.

Why You? | P.JM [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now