Survival:Champion of the Worlds

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Champions of the Worlds

Ash and Serena were getting restless because Red was taking so long to return with Pink and Gray who were held captive by team Volt

"I'm back!" Red Yelled

Serena ran over and hugged her son tightly "We were getting worried!"

"Well now is not the time to worry!" Gray said trying to cheer Serena up "we must keep fighting!"

"I agree... we must stop team volts expansion from going on any longer!" Pink said smiling at her joke she made

"Shut up Pink!" Gray Yelled

"Oh so it's ok for you to do it but I can't?!" Pink said

"Do what?" Gray said looking confused

"Your hopeless" pink said sweatdropping

"I'm going to get reinforcements from the non mega timeline, Gray send me over and then contact Dad and tell him to allow more humans to spend time here from our timeline" Ash said

Soon Ash walked thru a blue portal with Gray going back to their world

Lille and gladion were putting up a good fight, leaving Milotic and A-Ninetales who were both knocked out. This left Silvally and M-Blastoise. Lille ran back towards the place where Mash, Serena and Serma were and dialed a number on the home phone to a friend of hers

"Multiattack Silvally!" Gladion yelled

"Hydropump!" Gray Screamed 

The two attacks missed collision but instead hit the senders of the attacks knocking both Silvally and Blastoise out

"Blastoise Return!" Gary yelled

"Silvally come back!" Gladion said

"Go lycanrock!" Gladion yelled

"Umbreon it's attack time!"

Suddenly Gladions Lycanrock Eyes glowed Devil Red which umbreon moves back frightened. "Is that an intimidate N-Lycanrock?" DeDe Thought "how rare!" DeDe Smiled devilishly

Ash had just gotten back with some reinforcements and looked in the sky to see younger versions of some of his reinforcements. One of the reinforcements ran over to Pink and gave her a hug.

"Hmmm... This will be interesting how Dede reacts to this attack!" Ash thought to himself

"Alright new plan we all attack at once!" Ash Yelled and received a loud approval from everyone in the room

"Go Darkrai Time to make nightmares into reality" Dede howled "Darkrai shadowball That lycanrock!"

"You two umbreon!" Gary Yelled

Two shadowballs came flying towards Gladions Lycanrock and sent him flying into a wall knocking out N-Lycanrock on impact.

"Grrr..." Gladion growled

"Now give up Gladion, You can't defeat us! Nobody can defeat me!!!" DeDe said laughing

Mash and Serma walked into Dedes lines of sight

"But we can! Cause we never give up!" Serma and Mash said together grinning

Dede looked at who said that and growled in disapproval

"YOU... YOU EXIST IN THIS WORLD??!!!" DeDe snarled

"We exist in this world Alright!" Serma said

"And you won't be very successful in this world just like the previous attempt!" Mash declared "Giratina swallow that Darkrai!"

Darkrai was soon swallowed whole by a huge shadow with red eyes and soon reappeared fainted. Sadly Giratina Had taken substantial damage from swallowing the Darkrai and couldn't reappear anytime soon.

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