Chapter Forty Five - the Beginning of the End

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"You can't seriously mean her. She's a gangster" Hayley huffed and I agreed although this was the perfect time to get the bitch and I could do the men who I presumed where family

"I see her as a means to procuring rare items on short notice." we made our way down the steps.

"Greeting Miss Correa. I see you've brought company."

"These are my brothers, I always include them on delicate business matters. Fellas meet Mr Mikaelson"

"Please call me Klaus all my friends do"

" I don't know if I'd call us friends. But if you and Marcel are planning on having a little throwdown. I'd prefer my family to be on the same side as the inevitable victor." she grabbed a small pouch from a case.

"Then you have what I've asked for."

"Not enough for an army on such short notice, but it's a start."

"Strange I wasn't aware she was familiar with our plan" Elijah walked forward .

"My price for this is full disclosure, your brother complied"

"And what does the human faction expect to gain from all of this"

"I only want to solidify our allegiance to the ruling class. It's good for business."

"If only everyone shared you capacity for reason."

"Sadly they don't. Marcel is especially vindictive. I'm worried he might come after me or my family just for meeting with you. It might be in our best interest if we combine our best efforts."

"So be it the more bodies we have to defend the compound the better. Let's get started shall we?"  I then saw my pack come in.

"Excuse me for a moment" I went over to my pack and they were all wearing  protective lapis lazullis like my necklace.

"Hey" I breathed

"How are you doing?" Austin asked me.

"Alright, how's Sophia?"

"Safe we thought it best to move her somewhere safe but don't worry she's with family" Drake smiled I knew that they had taken her back to Virginia not so much mystic falls but Virginia.

"Keep an eye on them wolves I think their up to something" they nod I head up stairs and see Francesca

"Miss Correa" she turned to face me

"Mrs Mikaelson"

"I wanted to apologise for my actions on our first meeting, I let my inner wolf get the better of me and I shouldn't have. Accidents like that seem to be getting the better of me lately" she smiled fakely

"It's fine with your condition inner daemons are hard to control." I held out my hand

"I think we should start again. Hello I'm Bethany Mikaelson" she shook it and chanting in my head I placed the hex just after she said

"Francesca Correa" I let go. I felt another kick and I let out a oh.

"If you'll excuse me" she nodded and I walked away smirking and found Elijah with Genevieve, Hayley and Nik. I watched as she chanted. Francesca came in.

"My people just call they say Marcel is on his way."

"Get Hayley and Beth to safety" Nik left

"Before you say anything I'm not going." I tell my husband walking out and to my pack.

"Shadow pack listen up" I called they all looked up at me. "Now Marcel thinks he has a chance against us. But we have the element of so stay in the shadows for now but when it begins. Rain hell" they cheered and went to stand where they wouldn't be seen. I walked down the steps and joined Nik.

"Are you joking, your nine months pregnant"

"I'm not having this argument with you Nik." Vampires filed in and by normal standard we'd be outnumbered.

"I thought this lot would have learned their lesson." Nik commented

"Well their not exactly renowned for their genius ."

"So where is the ring leader of this circus? To afraid to show his face?" Nik called

"I'm here" he came out "and I'm going to give you one last chance. To pack your stuff and get the hell out of my town."

"You'll allow your vampires to rush to their deaths, again?" Nik asked

"Look around. every vampire in the quarter is coming out. They want their city back, no surrender this time. You're gonna have to kill us all."

"Okay i think I'll start with you."

"Fine come and get me." he ran off

"If you don't kill him one of us will" Elijah told his brother.

"He's mine. This won't take long" and he left . Elijah in buttoned his jacket.

"Gentlemen Shall we?" he asked and it began.

I may be a pregnant hybrid but i was fast and it helped when the others came to my aid. Harrison broke a chair and threw a leg to me i stabbed another and it went on like that until that was until half were dying for werewolf bites and the others dead or injured.

"Are we done?" Elijah asked.

"Nice job" Francesca came out

"saved me all the trouble of killing these vampires by myself" out of nowhere two bit Elijah.

"No!" I screamed and let the full extent of my power range as I sped to Frances and spoke in Latin.

"What have you done" I then sped to Elijah

"Enjoy your life. I hear by curse you Carrea family to death. You have four months till you die." I lifted my husband up.

"Run I heard the other vampires."

"Get them and kill them"  her brothers left and she lifted me up.

"Undo it" i used my power and she let go.

"Never so long as your family line continues as soon as they reach the age of 21 they will died four months after this starts with you and no one not even my descendants can undo the curse I placed. Now i have my husband to look after. You may lust for power but I can assure you it won't last long" she snarled at me.

"Take her away" she was dragged out of the compound

a/n does this work, I'm not sure but it was so difficult to do this and put people who I thought should be here but still try and keep it true. I would have made it so they win but then I couldn't go into season 2. Anyway  i tried my best.


Elijah shot up breathing thankfully my blood healed him this time.

"Oh thank god"


"Has been dealt with for now, unfortunately I had to use magic." he looked at me "nothing's happened though, but it still could."

"And Hayley?"

"I haven't seen her. Now that you're up we can go look" he stood up and we went in search of Hayley but we couldn't find her.

"Marcel's here" i stated hearing him he sped us out.

"Marcel! Where is she?" Elijah stormed over to him

"Where is Hayley?" Cami rushed over to stop us

"He doesn't have her. Please i know you don't trust him but you know i wouldn't lie. He doesn't have her" Cami rushed

"someone does" i walked over and raised my hand i didn't care now if i was going to start then fine but Hayley needed to be found.

"where is my brother" Elijah asked as Marcel screamed in pain.

"i left him in the street" i lifted the magic to let him continue "He was going to kill me then he got jacked up by some witches spell." Elijah and I looked at each other


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