Chapter Thirty Eight - Us Girls

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I saw Hayley come in and excused myself, I went over to my fellow pregnant woman and smiled

"You're here" I grinned

"Yes well, I wanted the wolves to be included so here I am. How have you been?" we went to get another drink.

"Tired, but okay. I've got bored of being big, I just want him to be born already"

"Me too"

"I see you broke your family's curse. Congratulations"

"Thank you." I then saw Davina storm out of the party.

"Excuse me" I put mu glass down and followed her. She walked through the streets.

"Davina!" I called she stopped and turned around

"What do you want, the last time I saw you. You wanted to kill me."

"Well that was when I was your enemy" I breathed

"What do you mean" she wondered

"When you died you were scared because the witches were angry, but you had a friend didn't you" I say.

"How did you know that?"

"Because your friend is mine too. She was the one who made Elijah able to give me children. I spoke to her yesterday. She told me that you could be trusted  and seen as you trust her you can learn to trust me. Believe me I won't ask you for anything I can't do"

"Why should I believe anything you say"

"You don't have too. But i will tell you this, no matter what happens you will keep getting shunned out for what you believed was to be right. In public they're going to treat you like princesses but behind closed doors, it will be like you're the black sheep."

"I can cope with it"

"If you say so. But if you ever wanted to be treated like and adult and not some muddled up witch who can't do anything right. You know where to find me." I turn back around and go back to the party. I see my husband coming off the dance floor and I take his hand

"Where do you think you're going to quickly" he smiles as I take him to the dance floor

"Where did you sneak off too" he asked as we danced

"Just forging alliances, something tells me i'm going to need them" I leaned my head on his shoulder and everything felt right. It felt perfect. That was until a fight broke out. I held up my hand and they withered in pain.

"This ends now" Elijah declared "I won't ask again" T felt someone hold a stake at me

"Oh we'll end it alright" I  heard behind me I growled and  launched my elbow back and grabbed his head

"Bethany stop it"  I drop the guy to the floor. "But Elijah by all means go ahead, it was Oliver that handed Rebekah over to the witches so they could torture her. But then again, wasn't it Diego who lead a werewolf massacre last month and the witches cursed the wolves while the humans stood back and let it all happen. So when you think about it everyone here deserves to die"

"Are you approaching a point"

"My point is this. If we can't all learn to get along, If our families can't create some sort of community, then what's the point. Kill each other and get it all over with" everyone was let go.  That night we all cut our hands and let our blood drop into a bowl then using it to sign our names on the treaty. Elijah even said he was going to make Nik sign it.

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