Chapter Thirty Seven - Beyond the grave

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I sat in the middle of mine and Elijah's room with candles lit all around me. I began to chant a spell to summon a spirit.

"Hello Bethany" i opened my eyes.

"Tessa so nice to see you"

"As it is you, you have grown haven't you" she observed my stomach "so why did you call me here?"

"i wanted to ask you something" i told her


"I talked to one of the New Orleans witches and asked what they were saying about my son. She told me that thanks to you they won't speculate and plot against him. They won't see him as a threat. Is that true" she smirked

"Being me has it's perks. But yes its true, I am the one that made Elijah fertile, I wasn't going to let a bunch of scared witches ruin my promise and your happiness. I have done many things but i did not help create a child who would ruin us all."

"Thank you by the way. I never said it back in Mystic falls, but I am truly grateful, it seems you're the only witch I can trust."

"There is another witch on your side. You just have to make peace with her."

"Who?" I ask

"Davina, I've seen her in the dark shunned by the pompous ancestors for being human and having human feelings. Doing what she had to and fight because she was scared and angry. Now she's back she's spiralling because she's scared."

"But how can I get her to trust me. She'll think I want something."

"It might be easier than you think. See while they were ignoring and punishing her I decided to be a light kind if you will. Which for me is a big deal" I chuckle

"I told her many stories and kept her company, outcast witch to outcast witch."

"Now she trusts you and because she trust you, she can trust me."

"It will what's the saying? Get your foot in the door"

"Thank you for everything Tessa." she smiled and I couldn't see her anymore. There was a knock on the door and I wiped out all the candles and opened it.

"Why was the door locked?" Elijah asked

"I was doing a spell...speaking to someone"


"Tessa, the one that helped with him" I pointed down to my tummy.

"Oh" he started changing "and what did Tessa say"

"She was just confirming that she basically told the witches on the other side to leave Daniel alone or she would kick their ass and make their descendants suffer for it." he stopped

"Really" I nodded

"She swore that she didn't help create something evil and anyone trying to harm him will answer to me. It bodes well to be in favour with someone so powerful."

"But it does not help Niklaus' child"

"Unfortunately not. It sucks though everyone is convinced about one but not the other. But we won't go down without one hell of a fight. No one hurts our family."

"That you are right of. Now i am going to speak to Niklaus." i nod

"I'm tired anyway, I'm going to take a little nap." I went and got comfortable and fell asleep.


When I woke up Elijah told me he was throwing a party the next night. He and that he already had a dress picked for me. I was annoyed  that I didn't get to go shopping but I did adore the deep purple dress he got for me. The bottom layer was silk and the top were lace and it had a ribbon that went under my bust. With very much difficulty i slipped into a pair of sliver flats.

"Then for your sake here is to a spectacularly boring evening" I heard Nik

"You're joking if you think it will be boring" they looked at me.

"Bethany you look exquisite." Elijah kissed my cheek wrapping and arm around me

"I have to agree with my brother, You look marvellous." i smiled at him

"Thank you Nik and as usually you scrub up well, Unlike Elijah I hardly ever get to see you in a suit" he smirks

"I leave the both of you too it" he then walked past us leaving .

"You've managed to whip up quite party, Darling" i smiled

"Thank you, i just need to keep them in line now."

"Good luck with that I'm going to get myself a drink" i walked down the stairs a got a orange juice I looked around at all the guests, the witches, vampires, werewolves and my pack were here. Sophia was sleeping in her room with several spells to make sure she remained un disturbed and safe. I then saw a woman who by the looks of it was trying to flirt with my husband.

"Then I suggest we make most of our limited time together." oh no she didn't I walked over.

"Hello I don't believe we've met. Bethany Mikaelson, Elijah's wife." I held out my hand he smile faltered but she took it and I squeezed it unbelievable hard and my golden eyes shone through.


"Bethany be nice, she is the representative for the human fraction" I slowly let go but my hybrid eyes did not falter.

"Francesca Correa" Something or someone was telling me she was not to be trusted and she needed to be stopped. not looking from her i silently cursed her in my head that if she every harms my family she will die.

Little Vampire in New Orleans Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя