Chapter Nine- At Last I hope

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"Beth! Beth get up" I groan and open my eyes.

"What do you want Bekah I'm sleeping" I moan covering my face up hoping she will just leave me be, I've gotten used to waking up in the afternoon.

"Me and you are going to find Elijah. Now up we have your husband to retrieve mumsey ." she tore away my duvet.

"Rebekah!" I yell and huff getting out of bed. Changing I tied my hair up into a messy bun and went to Sophie.

"Hello?...Seriously Marcel I had nothing to do with the attack on your guys last night" We made the pots clatter before waiting behind her. She grabbed a knife ready to strike but Bekah stopped her.

"Sophie Deveraux my brother Elijah told me about you. Know who I am?" she asked

"Yeah I know"

"Then you know we need to talk."

"Sophie" I nodded holding my daughter.

"yes Mama" I smiled at my daughter.

"Not you baby."

"So this is your daughter I heard whispers you might have one"

"Yes this is Sophia, Sophie, Sophia."

"Let's go to the cemetery we can talk there. Once we got there Rebekah was invited in and they began to talk.

"So if I had to guess knowing Klaus' history , Elijah has a dagger in his chest. I would ask Beth but being Klaus he's compelled her not to say anything."

"which reminds me, where is my necklace you took from me I would very much like it back"

"Can't do that if you war it then the magic that bind us is null."

"Fine I won't wear it but Elijah gave me it to protect me, I fell vulnerable without it."

"Anyway, the dagger is a magical object you're a witch. Do a locator spell, locate the dagger locate Elijah."

"I can't use magic its punishable by death. Marcel's rules"

"Marcel? What do you think I will do to you if you don't give me what I want?"

"Not much. I've been linked so anything you do to me you do to Hayley and Bethany." I sighed

"Told you they hex us."

"Luckily for you I care about Bethany, Mumsey 2 not so much. Otherwise I'd break your neck right here. So how did Marcel get so bloody powerful anyway. He wasn't like this when I left a 100 years ago."

Marcel has a way to tell whenever there is magic done in the Quarter. The how isn't relevant" I sat down on some steps putting Sophia on my knee

"I tell you what isn't relevant a coven of witches that can't do magic, Here's an idea move away"

"We practice ancestral magic this cemetery is filled with the remains of our witch ancestors. Without access to them we're powerless. If we run we're leaving our legacy behind. Our home our family." Bekah came and sat next to me I loped my arm through hers leaning my head on her shoulder

Well families over rated. I'm back in a city that's given me nothing but heartache. Searching for my best friend baby daddy who so happens to be my brother. Who also believes in another baby one I which don't care about."

"I find that hard to believe"

"As soon as I've returned Elijah to Beth I'm gone unlike my evil brother. Elijah deserves a family. And now he's missing proberly at the hands of Klaus himself and you were foolish enough to believe that Klaus could go against Marcel when everyone knows they have a history." I zoned out, before he was daggered he had told me the story.

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