~Chapter 8~

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AN: ... Hello, wonderful people ... I am so sorry about the huge wait! While I do have valid reasons because of an intensely busy academic year, I did not realise it had been so long between updates. This hamster apologises. :( The comments you guys left really inspired my motivation, you are too sweet *chocolate and cheese for everyone*

But, at least I am back with some fresh ideas. :D This chapter has the kind of new information that answers some of your questions but creates even more questions in return. *wiggles eyebrows and laughs maniacally*

Stay awesome!

Fearsome Hamster

Sister Ann grasped her hand tightly in her age beaten one.

"It is a demon's mark of possession. It is sign warning other supernaturals away from you. This demon marked you as his own."

Elyse gulped. I am in a world of trouble now.

"T-There are more like him out there?" she whispered disbelievingly, still staring at the spot in the floor where Azrael had inexplicably vanished like mist. She recalled his furious crimson eyes and his demented howl when he was forced to leave her side.

"Yes, Child, there are. And this one has its eyes set on you."

Hearing Sister Ann's fervent words, Elyse clutched the blanket tighter around her body. Her mind was a torrent of wild thoughts. "I don't understand...I am just an orphan. No legacy. No famous bloodline. No riches whatsover. Nothing. What would he ever want from me?" the girl contemplated.

The Headmistress shook her head at her young protéjée. Elyse's naivete was going to be her downfall. "What every demon wants from his master– everything."

The girl's heart skipped a beat. Everything?

Sister Ann sighed, settling herself more comfortably in the chair. The HeadMistress looked exactly like she did when she was preparing to teach a very long, and boring, history lesson in front of the orphans. She nodded, continuing. "The master and the creature share a spiritual bond that grounds the demon into the mortal realm, the connection offering the demon access to incredible power. If the demon is strong, the myths say so is the human who controls it."

"However, it all comes with a steep price, both for the human and the creature, I would say more so for the former party. Demons are unpredictable creatures, control over them is temporary only and any semblance of power a human obtains from the summoning is only an illusion. Only a fool would think otherwise.

As for the demon, it is dependant to its human until it possesses the power it craves. Such magic can only be obtained if the master grants it to the demon. This condition guarantees the relative protection of the human who is often the weaker one of the two, should the demon rebel prematurely. The creature cannot take the power by force, nor can steal it otherwise. However, it can manipulate its human into doing so – many a demon have used honeyed words to bewitch and subdue their masters into doing this."

Though still scared, Elyse perked up hearing the story. Who would have ever believed that the prim and proper HeadMistress delved in such mysteries. According to her, there was an entire world out there which Elyse had known nothing about. Realms of magic and mystic bonds. The very idea made her drunk with possibilities.

"When you mentioned the master granting power to the demon, what did you mean? How does this happen exactly?" Elyse asked fascinated. Sister Ann frowned at the eager interest in the girl's tone.

"Words can possess great magic behind their meaning, Elyse. When uttered in the wrong company at the wrong time, they cause great dangers. An example is what happened when you girls found that ancient tome and started foolishly reciting incantations from it."

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