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    Queenie sat in one of the interrogation rooms at the Police Station, her head leaning on her hands

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    Queenie sat in one of the interrogation rooms at the Police Station, her head leaning on her hands. She had been there for over an hour and the Sheriff had gotten nowhere, clearly. Everyone knew that Riverdale's police department sucked. She was utterly tired, but she knew she had to keep answering these questions to get home.

    "Like I told you the last eight times, I don't know anything," She told him in an annoyed tone.

    "Fine, why don't you just tell me your story one last time?" He asked, pulling out that notepad that had Cheryl's story about July Fourth. He had to be honest, they matched exactly. He knew that probably meant she was innocent, but this whole story could have been planned out for all he knew.

    "Okay," She nodded her head, lifting her head up to stare at him directly in the eyes, "My boyfriend wanted to leave town and never come back. He thought his life sucked ass. I thought the same thing about mine. What a coincidence. I think that's we got along so well. The two of us made up a plan with his twin sister, Cheryl, to go on a boat ride on July Fourth. Cheryl would say the boat tipped when Jason went to get Cheryl's glove out of the water, causing both Jason and I to drown. What really happened was we rowed all the way over to the Greendale side and got out with no water on us. We made our way through the woods and we ended up hearing a gunshot. We didn't think anything of it, Jason assured us that it probably was just someone hunting. We said our goodbyes to Cheryl and then..." Queenie trailed, trying to think of what happened next. The thing was, she couldn't.

   "Then what?" Sheriff Keller asked, leaning forward in his seat.

     Queenie sighed, shrugging her shoulders slightly, "I don't remember anything after that. I hit my head pretty hard, remember?" She told him with attitude, pointing to the side of her head that had visible stitches.

      Sheriff Keller looked down at the paper that had Queenie's story and then the one of Cheryl's story. They were both the same. Except, Queenie's had more sarcasm and swears in her story unlike Cheryl's. But that wasn't the point.

       "Congratulations, Queenie, you're free to go now," Sheriff announced, standing up from his seat, "Just to remind you, if you remember anything about what happened, call the Sheriff's station immediately."

   Queenie nodded her head, giving him a mocking salute, "Roger that," She replied.

    Before walking out, she turned to face Sheriff Keller, "Hey, Sheriff? Am I allowed to make a phone call?"

     Once the sheriff nodded and led her to the front desk, where the Secretary handed her the phone, Queenie called the only person she wanted to be with at the moment. And it wasn't the person everybody would expect her to.

    She dialed his phone number and after a few rings, he picked up, "Hello?" He spoke up after a moment.

     "Hey, I'm at the police station, mind picking me up?"


   Queenie exited the police station with a large smile on her face when she saw Sweet Pea leaning against his motorcycle, waiting for her, "You came." She stated and Sweet Pea scoffed.

    "Why wouldn't I? You called, I'm here." He replied as it were obvious. He passed her the helmet and Queenie laughed at him as she instantly caught it.

     "Oh, I don't know," She answered sarcastically, "Maybe the fact it's almost two in the morning."

       "True," Sweet Pea stated, "I was sleeping, but after you called, I immediately got up and came here. But, can I ask why you called me to pick you up and not your dad or even your brother?" He asked, turning on his engine right after Queenie hopped on the back.

         "I'm trying to avoid my dad right now. If I end up seeing him, he's going to try and ask me about why I was running away. I don't want him to ask me that because I'm not going to be able to give him the answer without crying." She explained to him with a sad look and Sweet Pea nodded his head in understanding.

      "Hold on," He told her once Queenie placed on her helmet. She instantly wrapped her arms around his torso.

  As he drove down the street, Queenie suddenly felt sick. She quickly tapped him on the shoulder, "What is it? What's wrong?" He asked her concerned, starting to slow the bike down.

    "Pull over! Please!" She pleaded in a demanding voice and Sweet Pea quickly obeyed. They were near some woods, so Sweet Pea over near it. Once the bike came to a stop, Queenie quickly pulled off the helmet and threw it to the ground.

   She ran over to some of the trees before throwing up everything they must have forced her to eat while in the hospital. Sweet Pea stared at the girl in concern, "You okay? You need some help?" He asked he, severely concerned.

  After getting no answer, he quickly got up from the bike and made his way over to her. Queenie wasn't throwing up anymore, she was just sitting on the ground with her head in her hands. crying.

   Sweet Pea let out a sigh before taking a seat next to her on the cold, wet grass. He didn't care that they were sitting in the woods while Queenie balled her eyes out. She had the right to cry after everything she had been through. She deserved to feel the way she wanted to feel. She had gone through so much, that it would be considered insane to not be crying.

   "Hey, hey, look at me," Sweet Pea told her in a soothing voice, using his index finger to lift her head up so she could stare at him directly in the eyes, "It's okay, you're going to be okay." He assured him.

   Queenie still cried, slowly shaking her head, "No, it's not. He's gone. Jason's gone and he's not coming back. He promised he would never leave me. We were supposed to leave town and never come back. We were supposed to have a happy ending. One where we would grow up to be full on adults together, get married and have more kids after these two were born," She explained, placing her hand over her stomach, "We were supposed to grow old together and not have anyone tell us we couldn't be together. We were supposed to be happy."

   Queenie kept crying and Sweet Pea pulled her in for a tight hug. She latched onto him, digging her face into his chest. He ran a hand through her hair as she sobbed. He had no clue how she was feeling. Nobody in that town knew. She had been missing for two months and then was found the night her boyfriend's dead body was found. She had been found, pregnant with his twins and a giant wound to her head.

  Nobody knew how that felt. Queenie didn't even know how that felt. She had all these people who cared for her and went crazy without having her around these past months, yet Queenie still felt utterly alone. She didn't feel the same without Jason. And it wasn't like she could just move on from this and find someone new, she was carrying his two children. Jason was going to be with her forever, just not in person.

   Twenty minutes had past and Queenie still cried while latched onto Sweet Pea, but Sweet Pea didn't care. Queenie needed a shoulder to cry on and he was fine with being that person.

  Everything was changing for Queenie. Not really for the better, mostly for the worse.

AN: Don't worry, it's going to stop being so depressing next chapter. I'll probably be getting into Riverdale plot next chapter, 1x04 to be exact. She'll go to the drive in with Cheryl. Oh, that reminds me, her and Cheryl are going to be good friends and all after all the stuff they went through losing Jason. They can relate to each other.

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