Chapter Fifteen <3

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(A/N: I don't know if it happened to any of you, but I couldn't get on Wattpad like the last week because it said it was updating... I don't know, but here's this chapter. It's almost over, like, one chapter and then the epilogue D; I don't know, after this one, do you want me to write another one? Another One Direction one? Same guy or different? Leave a comment kay? I might do one that involves all my friends and all the guys, because my friends want me too. Well, I'm going to go jam to WMYB, hehe just came on the radio (; COMMENT, RATE, ADD TO LIBRARIES. <3)

Chapter Fifteen

** May’s P.O.V **

The next morning, me and Niall woke up early and started packing. I guess he was too out of it last night, or just about because he didn’t remember most of the things that happened. Well except for that I flipped out on Hannah, but other than that he didn’t. I didn’t really bother to get dressed, because it’s so early, I was probably going to sleep on the plane anyways. Niall obviously got dressed, because if someone got a picture of him, he sleeps naked, so that wouldn’t be good. We said good-bye to his dad, and then we went over to his mom’s house, even though it was 6:00 a.m. His mom was up, and Greg was over there as well. We stayed for a bit, before Greg had to leave for his job, and his mom was going to go back to bed. So we left, and I texted Liam to make sure they were up and on their way to the airport. We called a taxi to come pick us up at his mom’s house, and we headed on our way to the airport. We got there, and the air was thick between everyone. Louis had a hang over, and had a pounding head ache, Harry was sitting with Liam looking absolutely fine, and Emma and Brian were sleeping on each other. Me and Niall took a seat across from Harry and Liam. Harry was looking at his iphone, and Liam was reading. Like I had said, I was still in my pajamas, so I had pink long pants, and a tank top on. Oh and a coat, because I didn’t want to be walking around looking like a slut.

We sat there for a while, before I finally got up and stretched. It was only 6:30, and we were going to be boarding the plane in ten minutes.

“I’m going to go to Starbucks before we board. I want to get some breakfast.” Liam got up as well.

“I’ll come with you.” I nodded and we walked towards Starbucks. We walked in and there were only a couple people in there, a boy and his mom, a woman reading a magazine, and then us. We ordered food and we just sat down. I sighed and Liam looked at me.

“Harry wanted me to ask you something.” I looked up at him at Harry’s name.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“He asks what you think of him.” I sighed.

“I like Harry as a friend, and only a friend. He needs to understand I love Niall.” I said in a steady voice. Liam put his hand on mine and I took a deep breath. I smiled as Liam tried to help me gently.

“Were just friends.” He nodded. “Why did he want you to ask?”

“Well, last night, when Harry told you he loved you, he wasn’t as drunk. He said it kind of warn off after he got in the car. That’s why he isn’t hung over like Louis.” I face palmed. I should have seen that coming.

“He also thinks you’re going to avoid him forever.” I rolled my eyes. Harry’s being his drama-queen self.

“I’m not going to avoid him; I don’t want to make things awkward.” He nodded, obviously satisfied with my answer. Liam swirled his thumb over my hand.

“Thanks Liam. You’re really the one I trust the most besides Niall. Really.” Liam smiled and nodded, removing his hand.

“Anytime May. I’m here for you.

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