The sound of glass hitting the ground broke Jimin out of his temporary reverie and he snapped his head up, eyes easily finding the pale and milky irises of a deadie. The creature was halfway out the window of a nearby liquor store and Jimin felt a wry smile quirk his lips up. ‘Of course, someone had to have enough sense to rob a liquor store during the zombie apocalypse,’ he thought, widening his stance and squaring his shoulders before raising the gun to eyelevel and lining up a shot.

The zombie was moving sluggishly, pale grey-blue eyes focused on the vague direction of Jimin. Tiny snarling sounds came from the limply flailing zombie, sounding almost like inquisitive growls. Taking a deep breath, Jimin held it and aimed his weapon at the deadie. Despite it still moving, Jimin was able to line the shot up with the zombie’s forehead.

From then on, all it took was a flex of his finger and a shot was fired, the loud crack of metal and gunpowder splitting the silence. Almost immediately, the zombie was cut off mid growl, its head snapping back with a sickening crunch. With one last flail, the zombie fell backward, the sound of a body hitting the ground soon following.

Finally exhaling, Jimin lowered his arms and checked the area for anything else dead and looking for a meal. So far, Jimin had noticed that the zombies were sensitive to noise, however it wasn’t any particular noise that got to them. The sounds that seemed to stimulate them into action were the sounds of other zombies. He learned this sometime this morning, when he knocked over an entire display case in an abandoned convenience store and only made the slumped over zombie at the register lift its head and make inquisitive growling noises in his general direction. At that time, Jimin was too spooked to stick around and study its reaction, but his luck ran out when he passed a decrepit warehouse and screamed when a dog jumped at him from behind the building fence.

Usually, Jimin wasn’t a jumpy person, but he couldn’t be blamed when the dog that jumped at him had the fur ripped completely off its muzzle, eyes milky powder blue, and snarls louder and much more vicious than any live dog. After that scream, the dog that jump scared him proceeded to go nuts. It had slammed its body forward, chain link fence rattling with the blows and eventually flattening under the dead dog’s fury. At that point, Jimin had unfroze from his shocked horror and began running for his life, the dog snapping viciously at his heels.

The chase had ultimately led him to the playground, where he took refuge on the playground equipment. It was easy to scale the children’s climbing net, and luckily, the damned dog couldn’t figure out how stairs worked. Though Jimin was sure that if he were left there much longer, the dog would have managed to find a way to jump up and climb the slide.

Actually, now that he thought about it, those people who showed up earlier technically saved his life.

Biting his lip in indecisiveness, Jimin glanced down at the gun in his hand. The sleek black metal blended effortlessly with the tough plastic frame, contrasting only slightly from the dirtied skin of his palm and fingers.

With this, and his experience, he could go back and help the people who had unknowingly helped him. His survival chances would dramatically slim even if he did go back, but then again, weren’t the unknown odds the same, if not higher if he were to turn tail and run?

Coming to a decision, Jimin tightened his hold on the gun, making sure that it was aimed down and at his side as he ran, lessening the chances of accidentally injuring himself. The park was only a street away, the entire neighborhood, while unknown to him, was easy to navigate. Soon, the playground equipment was in view again and just down the street, he could see two stray zombies slowly coming out of their hiding places, sluggish movements getting just a little more energetic with the more noise that was made. Cursing to himself, Jimin lightly jogged down the street, making sure to keep a decent distance from himself and the deadies as he aimed and shot, both going down with two shots.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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