SMii7Y - it all started with a milkbag

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"hmmm, just milk left." i said to myself as i pushed the grocery cart around.

Walking towards the dairy isle i noticed there was only one bag of milk left. I quickened my pace, trying to get to the milk as fast as i could. I stopped in front of the cooler rack and reached down, grabbing the milk. At the same time, someone else did the same thing. I looked over to see a man. He was attractive, to say the least. Even though he was trying to take MY milk, i didn't want to seem rude.

"oh! i'm so sorry, here you take it!" i said handing him the milk.

"oh no i can't, you can have it." he said with a smile.

"really, it's no trouble you have it." i said putting it in his basket

"ahah thanks?" he said with a nervous chuckle

After that we went our separate ways. Thinking that was the last time we'd see each other. Oh but were we wrong.

The next day i decided to take my dog, linguini, out for a walk. I decided to take him to a local park and walk around there. Upon arriving there was only a few people, due to the chillier weather. i put linguini's leash on and started to walk towards the park.

As i approached the little trail area i observed the people in the park. There was an old couple and a mom with her little girl. I also noticed another younger man, my age maybe, starting to walk the trail with his dog.

I started walking Linguini along the trail, looking at the scenery. Making sure to keep an eye on the man in front of me, as i was paranoid when people walked on the trail with me.

About 15 minutes down the trail and the man stopped, muttered something, then got down and tied his shoes. I kept walking but at a very slow pace. Eventually i ended up being right in front of him. I caught a glance of him and knew he looked familiar.

"milkbag boy?" i said turning around

"wha-oh! hi yeah it's me" he said looking up from his shoe

"is-is this your dog?" i questioned

"oh, yeah. This is Octavia"

"hello Octavia!" i said petting her

"And this is?" he said pointing to my dog

"this is Linguini"

"Linguini, huh? hey there bud"  he said with a pat on his head

I smiled and checked my phone and saw how late it was getting.

"sorry to be rude, but i have to run!" i said with an awkward smile

I quickly started off the trail, headed back towards the car. He said something as i hurried away, but i couldn't hear him.

i arrived home and got linguini his dinner as well as starting mine.

i was making spaghetti, for my friend and i.  They were coming over to have dinner and just hang out.

I heard the front door open just as i started to plate dinner.

"just in time!" i called out

"hey! dinner smells amazing!" they said as they walked to the dining room.

We both sad down, beginning to eat and converse.

"do you ever eat linguini noodles?" they asked

"i mean, sometimes. why?"

"wouldn't that be like cannibalism, because, you know, your dogs name is linguini?"

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