Chapter 1: After Eleven Years!

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"Ali! Ali! Come on! You were supposed to check in yesterday. Come on! Hello?! Ali! Ali!" A voice calls out. He listened to the transmission and his eyes widened in recognition of the voice. He presses a button to connect to the transmission and the person.

"This is International Rescue, if I'm not mistaken... This is... Izzy Johnson, right?" He asks. There was a pause.

"International Rescue?" The girl's voice asks.

"HEY! MAYBE HE CAN HELP!" Another female's voice exclaims.

"Don't we know International Rescue? Wasn't mom friends with their parents?" Izzy asks and a smile comes across his features.

"You know me too." He says, "This is John Tracy."

"J-John Tracy?!" Izzy exclaims with a shocked gasp.

"John Tracy! No way! He's all grown up now? Man, has it really been eleven years?" The second voice exclaims. It had been twelve years. John wasn't a thirteen year old anymore. He was now twenty-four years old. He watched over Thunderbird Five as the space monitor for International Rescue, at least he had since his father's disappearance seven years ago.

"Yes, my brothers and I, uh... run International Rescue now. I heard your distress call. What can I help you with?" John asks.

"Wait... which Thunderbird did you get put in charge of piloting?" Izzy asks and John smiles.

"We need to be worrying about Ali, Izzy!" Her sister yells out.

"I pilot Thunderbird Five. I can bring Thunderbird Three to your location in a few hours." John explains, "What seems to be the problem, Emily?" Emily was Izzy's older sister, his older brother Virgil had feelings for her when they were younger. He remembered Emily being the cool and collected headed one as well as the peacekeeper, just like Virgil.

"Well, we run a space tour business. Ali took a pod of our elite clients and she's supposed to check in every night. She didn't check in last night and we aren't picking up her signal." Emily informs him.

"Where are you located?" John asks.

"We're out near Mars... but she was going to show them the belt." Emily explains.

"How many are on board?" John asks.

"It was a couple, so three including Ali. She was just going to show them the belt." Emily explains.

"We can be out there in about an hour. Do you know where her last location was?" John asks.

"Sending coordinates now." Emily explains. John looks at his holographic display as he gets the coordinates.

"Coordinates received. They could just be enjoying the sights." John explains, trying to keep them calm.

"I'm hoping so and that this is just a false alarm." Emily explains.

"Don't worry, Emily." John explains and he rotates and hits the button for Tracy Island, "International Rescue, this is Thunderbird Five, we may have a situation."

[Tracy Island]

A beautiful island is brought into view. A house sat on the island as it looked like it was actually coming out of the island. It had been so well designed that it wasn't just livable, it was also the location for International Rescue's base. Scott Tracy, the oldest of the Tracy sons stood talking with his youngest brother, Alan Tracy. Scott Tracy had short brown hair and blue eyes. Scott was currently twenty-nine years old. Alan on the other hand, being eighteen, had short blonde hair and blue eyes. A beeping sound signals John's communication and they run over and sit down in the mission deployment room.

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