He gave the two men he was with a signal and they both started coming towards me. I screamed and tried to run towards the bathroom, but one of them yanked me back by my hair, causing me to fall to the floor. I got right back up and that's when I realized they had all the exits blocked.

The biggest one started coming towards me and I starting backing up until I hit the wall. He roughly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, like I was some type of rag doll. I scratched punched, and kicked but it was no use. He was big as fuck and a bitch wasn't even half his size.

They carried me out of the house and to a white van that was parked outside. That's when my screams got louder, in hopes that one of the neighbors would hear me. Even though it was a long shot, since the estate was so big the closet neighbor was almost half a mile away.

"Helpppp! Somebody help me!" I yelled, trying to be as loud as possible.

"Get this bitch in the car!" The leader said, and they immediately threw me in the back of the van. I laid on my back and thought about how the hell I was going to get out of this one. I felt the van start moving and I could tell we were leaving the house.

There was so windows in the back of the van so I had no idea where we were going. The ride had to be at least 20 minutes long. I felt the van stop and that's when I realized we had reached our destination.

It was silent for a while so I had no idea what was going on. I felt my breasts vibrate and that's when I remembered I had my fucking phone. The caller id read Nas' name, and I eagerly answered my ringing phone.

"R-Rocko?" I answered. My voice was shaky from me shaking with fear. I had never been in some shit like this before so I was really freaking the fuck out.

"Aye lul baby, where you at?" He asked. I could tell in his voice he was worried.

The doors slid open and I knew I didn't have time to tell him what was going on. "Somebody broke in the house and they too-"

I was cut off by the leader of the group snatching my phone out of my hand, and calling me a bitch.

He had a brief conversation with Nas before he smashed my phone on the ground and stomped all on it. I was more than sure it didn't work anymore.

The big one yanked me by my arm from the back of the van, and forced me to my feet. I didn't even have no fucking shoes on.

I took time to look at my surroundings just in case. It didn't look familiar to me at all, I really had no idea where the fuck I was.

He yanked my fucking arm AGAIN and dragged me to the door, before taking me down a flight of steep wooden stairs to a basement. He took me to a corner and latched a chain around my ankle, before going back up the stairs and turning all the lights off.

I was surrounded by complete darkness and silence. My breathing increased as I tried to hold my tears in. I told myself that I'm strong and that I will not cry. I quickly pulled myself together and curled into a ball, waiting for my man to come find me.

He'll be here sooner than they think. They messed with the wrong muthafucking one.

Although I couldn't shake the feeling that was creeping up my spice. I knew I wasn't getting out of here today and I also knew that something bad was going to happen to me. I remembered Nas telling me about the girl he was fucking with around the time he got into it with his brother the first time.

She ended up dead.

Rocko POV

We left one survivor so he could send Bones a message. I had a couple of my boys fuck him up real bad though, but not to where he was dead. He might be in a coma for a couple of weeks though.

As I was on my way home, I stopped by Starbucks for Sparkle.

"Thank you for choosing Starbucks, what can I get started for you today?" The lady asked over the speaker.

"Can I get a trenta iced coffee with no classic, eight pumps of caramel, two pumps of vanilla, extra cream, light ice and caramel drizzle." I said. I finally had her order down packed, I didn't even have to call and ask her.

"Alright, what else can I get for you?" She asked.

"Let me get a large cup of water, and three of them chicken sausage biscuits." I ordered two for myself cause that small ass shit wasn't gone get me full.

"Will that be all for you today?"


"Alright, your total is gonna be nineteen fifty-six, we'll see you up here." She said.

I drove around to the window and paid, got our stuff, then started on my way home. I was gone smash this shit then take my black ass straight to sleep, a nigga was tired.

I pulled into the driveway and I realized..something felt off. My house didn't feel like it usually felt, I didn't know how to explain it. All I knew was there was a problem. I made sure I had my tool on my side before I headed towards the front door. I used my keys to unlock it and everything looked normal.

I left my shoes by the door and went to the laundry room. I stripped down to my boxers and threw the clothes in the washing machine, before starting it and heading upstairs to my room. When I got there, Sparkle wasn't in there and the tv was on, and the bed wasn't made. Now I knew some shit was up cause Sparkle never leaves the bed unmade when she gets up.

I checked the bathroom and made sure she wasn't in the shower or anything, which she wasn't.

"Sparkle!" I called. No response.

I decided to pull my phone out and call my lul baby. Her phone rung about three times before it went to voicemail, so I called right back. This time she picked up the phone.

"R-Rocko?" She answered in a frantic voice. I knew something wasn't right cause she never called me Rocko.

"Aye lul baby, where you at?" I asked.

"Someone broke in the house and they too-" I could hear the phone being snatched out of her hand.

"Give me this fucking phone bitch!" I heard a familiar voice say.

I let out a low growl and tightly gripped my phone. I could hear Sparkle screaming in the background and that shit was really fucking with me. No matter how tough she tried to play, I knew she was terrified on the inside and I hated that I had put her in that position.

"Wassup big brother? You know I'm always two steps ahead of you man." I could hear Bones talking on the other end of the line with amusement in his voice.

"Nigga what the fuck you got going on? Why you trying me like this?" I said, pacing the room.

"I'm here to show you that I'm ten times more powerful than you thought I was before man. I'm out for blood and at this rate, you making it a whole lot easier to get it. Just watch yo back nigga." He said, then the phone clicked.

I threw my brand new phone at the wall followed by an angry punch. Before I knew what I was doing, there was multiple holes in the wall and I had swollen bloody hands. I angrily grabbed my keys and stormed out of the house.

This nigga really had the audacity to touch what was mine? Now it was time for me to make this nigga wish he was never even born, blood or not.

Let the games begin.

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