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Sunday Morning
Sparkle POV

I woke up around ten and Nas still wasn't back. I tried not to worry about him so I decided to get up and take a nice long shower. After my shower, I changed into some black leggings and one of Nas t-shirts. Then I headed downstairs to the kitchen.

I decided to make myself some breakfast. I had no idea how long it would be until Nas came back from doing whatever he was doing, so I decided to just cook for myself this time.

I made some pancakes, eggs, bacon, and grits with fresh fruit. I had a fat ass cup of orange juice to go along with it as well. I put all the food on a tray and took it upstairs to the room. I turned on the tv and browsed through Netflix until I found a new show to watch. I decided to start on the newest season of Black Mirror.

I watched tv and demolished my food at the same time, enjoying the time I was getting to myself. I knew as soon as Nas came back he would be getting on my nerves so I was trying to enjoy myself while I could.

After I finished my food, I took my dishes down stairs and washed everything I used. I was full and satisfied so I nap sounded real good, but I wanted to wait up for my baby to get home cause I missed him now. I headed back upstairs and curled up in the blankets and continued watching my show.

I was slowly dozing off until I heard the door downstairs slam shut. I got excited cause he was finally home, and I was ready to greet him with open arms and open legs. An open mouth too.

I heard his heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and that's when I noted he wasn't alone. In fact, it sounded like he was with about two other people. I rolled my eyes cause I wasn't done alone time with my boo but I wasn't tripping too hard.

The door busted open and the person that stood on the other side definitely wasn't Nas. Before I did or said anything, I slipped my phone inside my sports bra, then I sat up and immediately went into defense mode.

"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here?" I snapped, trying to sound intimidating.

"Well hello to you too beautiful, you didn't want any company?" He asked, inching closer to me.

"Stay the fuck back! Just tell me why you came here?"

"I came here for you darling. See that nigga Rocko always tries to play me but I was one step ahead of his this time." He smirked.

That's when I looked closely at the man and noticed the similarities in him and Nas' features. He looked a lot like Nas except he had lighter skin and a low cut. This must have been his brother.

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