Sodapop Imagine

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For @falloutsummmer Enjoy

Mazie's POV

Today is gonna be exciting!! I get to meet my boyfriend Soda and just have a relax day with him. It's exciting for me because I love relaxing. I got ready in comfy outfit. Sweats that cover up most of my light skin. I put my wavy strawberry blonde hair up in a messy bun. Mascara today is not a good idea. My bright blue eyes could stand out on their own.

After putting on my outfit, I went to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. Cereal and toast. After that I got my shoes on and I headed out the door.

I was walking and I was super close to the DX but I started slowing down because I heard a car engine behind me. I turned around to see a red mustang stopped behind me with 4 guys about to get out

"Oh crap" I muttered to myself. These boys were socs.

"Well, well, well isn't it Mr. Sodapop Curtis's  girlfriend" one Soc said

"Okay yeah but what do you need from me?" I spat towards them. Probably not the best idea because they all started running after me.

"Help Soda, Steve someone help" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The socs were punching my stomach and kicking it. The main soc was about to punch my head when I heard more footsteps. Then the guy about to punch me got up with the other socs and ran away.

"Oh my god Mazie are you okay" Soda asked hugging me.

"Yeah Soda I'm alright thanks to you" I said hugging him back. We then walked back to the DX so he could finish his shift then we got to go home
Hope you liked it!!

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