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The sky seemed gloomy, again. Who would have thought that something as colourless as water could make clouds so dark. It has started to drizzle now. Soon it turned into an endless music of droplets hitting window panes, rooftops and tree-leaves; just like an old radio coming to life.

Yoongi laid still on his bed, lost in his deep dark thoughts. The only voice which accompanied him was the voice of the rain.

His numb eyes tiredly moved around to take a look of his perfectly imperfect room. His room was not a mess. Everything was sitting still on the shelves; neatly. He glanced at all the trophies displayed above his bed, they held thousands of memories but everything felt meaningless at this point.

His eyes wandered to the small coffee table beside his bed. He saw a medium-sized colorful jar. His expressions suddenly changed and a small smile crept up on his lips when he remembered that it was the jar which Hoseok gifted him as his birthday present.

He quickly sat up on the bed with the jar resting between his legs. He stared at the jar for a few minutes, recalling the day when Hoseok gave him this colorful jar filled with small notes.

"Happy Birthday!" Hoseok jumped in front of Yoongi, surprising him for a second, smiling cheekily.

"Thank you..." Yoongi muttered a small thank you and eyed the present which Hoseok handed him.

"What is this?" Yoongi turned to Hoseok with a confused look but met with an excited face who was eager for him to open his present.

"Just unwrap it!" Hoseok whinned, getting impatient by every passing second.

"Okay okay." Yoongi chuckled and unwrapped his present.

It was a glass jar which was painted; poorly but it looked beautiful.

"A jar, really?" Yoongi left out a small chuckle.

"No no, it's not just an ordinary jar. It's a letter jar. Just open it. You'll see." Hoseok enthusiastically explained and impatiently waited for Yoongi to finally open the jar.

Yoongi smiled and opened the tightly closed jar in his hands. After opening the jar, he saw small colorful papers inside, neatly folded. The jar was filled with those colorful craft papers from bottom to top.

"Now pick one."

Yoongi obeyed and randomly picked one folded paper from the jar and handed the jar to Hoseok. He unfolded the small piece of paper and saw a small note inside.

'Every time I think of you, I am reminded of God’s goodness. He gave me the best boyfriend anyone could ever have, and he loves me just as much as I love him.'

A wide and heartwarming smile plastered on his lips as he read the message. Smilingly, he looked up to Hoseok who was smiling as well.

"I have filled the jar with messages like this. The notes inside are all my appreciation notes for you. How much I adore and love you. You are my lifeline. I love you Min Yoongi." Hoseok completed with a sincere smile whereas Yoongi had tears forming in his small eyes.

Hoseok soon cupped Yoongi's cheeks and leaned on for a sweet and sincere kiss. A tear rolled down Yoongi's cheek as they kissed ever so slowly.

Yoongi opened the jar and picked one random paper from the jar and kept the jar back on the coffee table. His hands trembled as he unfolded the paper.

'You secured a spot in my heart like you have no plans of ever leaving. I love you, and I want to be with you for a very long time.'

Yoongi silently read the note and his first tear broke free from his dry eyes, then rest followed in an unbroken stream. 

"We didn't last for that very long time..." Yoongi mumbled and fell on his bed, curling himself into a ball.

"Have you seen Yoongi?" Hoseok inquired Seokjin, the only close friend Yoongi had.

"No, I called him multiple times but he is not picking up." Seokjin's voice cracked.

Seokjin was the only guy in the school with whom Yoongi shared his feelings and thoughts. Seokjin knows that Yoongi is broken and is going insane.

"Okay, don't worry Jin. He'll be okay." Hoseok spoke and patted him. Both of them departed as the bell rang, indicating that the period has changed.

Hoseok lazily proceeded towards his next class, which was his art class. He entered the class which was still empty as he was the first one. He looked around the art room which was filled with beautiful canvases made by his schoolmates.

His eyes landed on one specific canvas. A beautiful sunset was painted on the canvas. It was Yoongi's.

"Is it finished yet? I really can't wait anymore." Hoseok whinned and pouted while Yoongi chuckled at his behavior.

"Almost." Yoongi replied, never taking his eyes off his work. But after few touch-ups here and there he was finally done with his work.

"Okay it's done." Yoongi spoke proudly and emptied the space for Hoseok.

Hoseok's eyes didn't blink for at least forty seconds. At least. He was speechless as he observed Yoongi's artwork.

It was a painting of a sunset.

"Yoongi...this is beautiful. I'm really at loss of words right now." Hoseok spoke, still in awe.

"Not as beautiful as you are." Yoongi complimented his boyfriend.

"Sunsets are the gift of nature. They are the proofs that no matter what happens, everyday can end beautifully." Yoongi spoke as he admired his own work.

"That is so deep. Honestly, whatever you make or do are so meaningful."

"Well, this artwork was inspired by an artwork itself." Yoongi shrugged collecting his brushes. Hoseok gave him a puzzled look, not able to get the hint.

"You inspired me." Yoongi smiled and gave Hoseok a small sweet kiss on his cheek.


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