Chapter 8: Snake Part 2

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Everlys POV

As I got at the bottom of the steps I walked away quickly rounding the steps, I see a bunch of men in white and another set of men in Black.If you look at them you can obviously tell that their enemies. One takes out a gun and tries to shoot me I quickly see that and throw my dagger at his hand cutting it off.

His screams in agony as I smirk to myself.

The men in black glance at me then back in the men in white.

The men in white then start pulling out guns, they start shooting.

Next thing I know there's war and I know who side I'm taking. As we shoot I'm killing one by one, and the help of the men beside me, they were making things even easier for me. How grateful I am for them. I see one of the men in white take their gun aiming it at one of my men.

"Oh hell no", I say out loud taking my other dagger and throwing it to his neck, slitting it fully open. The Men in black soon start to crowd behind me as if I'm the leader. I smile at their actions. Half of the men are already dead in front of me but I'm not quite satisfied.I quickly turn my head to see Adriano shooting with me, slowly making his way beside me I look at him and rolled my eyes.

"You never cease to amaze me", I say to him loud enough for him to hear over the gunshots.

" I could say the same for you" he says with what sounds like an annoyed voice.

I rolled my eyes and continued to shoot, killing all the men in front of us.

Next thing I see is the Devil's himself. Next to...A snake.

" Well well well if it isn't Everly", she says Smiling lightly.I look at her with dissatisfaction.

"Who the fuck are you", I ask her in an annoyed voice.

"Awww how could you not remember me..."

"I remember you", she says.

I look at her with confusion.


"I would watch your tone sweetheart" I say with slight humor in my voice.

She looks at me with so much hatred I could literally jump with joy.She comes running towards me full speed, I quickly stick my foot out making her fall on the ground. Jumping on top of her I land a hard punch on her face making her head hit the ground hard.

"Learn from your mistakes Bitch", I say to her before pulling out my gun and placing it on top of her forehead.

Before I could pull the trigger,I was being pulled off her. I was pushing them off of me hard turning around to realize that it was Rubio. I don't know what came over me but I threw a punch straight to his face making him fall to the ground, I kicked him in the stomach hard enough for him to puke up blood and I kept doing it over and over and over again.

I then feel someone grab me from the side landing a punch to my face.

It was that dumb bitch Emily, I quickly pushed her to the ground taking my gun and shooting her in the stomach, "Stay there bitch", I say to her harshly.

Turning around Rubio's up on his feet and he kicks my gun for my hand, grabbing me into a headlock with his gun pressed against my temple.

"You guys need to just give up you can't beat me", he says like he's won

I laugh to myself

"Is something funny?"he asked me

"Actually, yes"I said with a smirk on my face.

"You think these people care about me? I don't know any of them! I just want you give me what's mine"I yell to him.

He laughs at my words

"I've had enough of these childish games", I yell. Jabbing him in the stomach he loses his grip around my neck, I jab him once again breaking free from his grip, I then grab the elastic from my bun.Letting down my hair grabbing the gun that was inside of my bun and I place it on Rubio's head.

"Where the fuck is my father" I question him.

"Somewhere you'll never find him,soon he'll be just like your mom" he says to me

I take all my force pushing him to the floor, I take my gun and knocked him across the head with it, then I shot him in his leg before storming out.

"You'll never win Everly" He yells to me.

And I hear a bunch of other Guns being fired.

Storming out I feel a bunch of wet tears trickling down my face, I couldn't hold back anymore I was so done with Rubio and his games.

But I couldn't kill him, he's the only person who knows where my father is. I just shot him in the leg so the next time we meet it won't be so easy for him to get away, I can feel somebody following me.

Adriano's POV

As I watch this whole catastrophe fall into place, my mystery girl was not who I thought she was. She was loyal, she doesn't even know me, she doesn't even know my men, but she was fighting for us, with us.She noticed a guy was gonna kill one of my men and she took it upon herself to slit his fucking throat halfway open !

Now that's what I need, i'm not sure what I was feeling but I Felt a sudden urge to protect her. But I was angry, tonight was the night I was supposed to kill Rubio and end him once and for all, but I can't do that.

If she wanted him dead she would've killed him when she was right there, judging on what just happened he has something that's very important to her and he seems to be the only person who knows where it is, so I wouldn't take him. Watching her fight she was like an assassin, she was quick, strong, smart, and beautiful, I fell in love with the way she fought. When it all came to an end I watched her storm out, it made my heart break. I don't know what came over me.... I never act like this...ever.The next thing I know my feet were running following her.

Everly's POV

I looked behind me and see Adriano storming behind me and he looks angry

"Who The fuck are you", he asked Annoyed

"What does it matter to you", I mutter to myself stuffing my dress in my car.

"Where do you think you're going", he questions me.

"I'm going to mind my own business, you should try it"

He looks down like he's so pissed, he can't even look at me, but I don't even care I just want to leave this place.

"Come with me", he says.

"What?", I asked a little stunned at his words.

"You heard me, it's not safe for you out here, he knows what you're capable of and he won't hesitate to kill you, and knowing Rubio I'm pretty sure he knows where you live" he says in a low husky voice looking deep into my eyes.

I stayed staring at him in disbelief for what seems like ages.

" I don't need protecting", I say wiping a tear from my eyes.

"And I've noticed that, now come with me"He says getting impatient.

I angrily get out of my car slamming the door shut "Lead the way" I say with venom.

"My pleasure", he smirks and starts walking

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