"You don't know how this works, but you killed on of my old guys, meaning you take his spot, if you don't like this then I guess I'll kill you now" he says with his finger on the trigger, I swiftly grabbed my opponents neck and snapped it, and his body fell to the ground. I looked up and El Diablo brings his gun down, he comes to me and grabs my arm, and raises it.

"Welcome, RM!" he yelled and the men roared with cheers.

I walk over to Kai and Suho, and they had a pleased look on their faces.

"I was actually worried you were gonna be shot" Kai explains.

"Dude that was hard core, I have never met anyone who has snapped someone's neck like that" Suho shockingly says.

~Flashback over~

"It wasn't long till I moved up as one of the strongest and trust worthy members in the group, I managed to stand along side El Diablo, with Kai and Suho." I say to Ja-kyung who is wide eyed.

"Your uncles started to worry about me, I was never in school anymore, and I was doing bad things. I didn't know it but, Kai and Suho was told to plan on killing your uncles, and their families. One day Jin and Yoongi, were their first hit list, they came to my house late at night, covered in blood. Sure enough, their families didn't make it" I say as tears run down Jin and Yoongi's face.

"They told me, they didn't know who did it, I told them to stay with me. The next week, it was Hoseok's family, then Jimin's. I wanted to be ready, if they tried to go for Taehyung's family or Jungkook's family" I say and everyone was tearing up even Ja-kyung. Taehyung kissed the top of her head then Jungkooks.

"We were all at Taehyung's house, we thought they would come here first. Jungkook got a call from the police saying that his family was murdered. I remember like this was yesterday, Jungkook was a little freshman, I comforted him as he cried, when the lights flickered. We all ran to different spots at the house. I had told Jungkook to hide in the bottom cabinets. I heard gunshots up stairs, and I fought the two men who had killed Taehyung's parents. Once I had their masks uncovered, it was Kai and Suho.


"I trusted you guys, why did you do this!" I yelled at them pointing a gun at them and their arms up pleading for mercy.

"It was El Diablo, he knew you were not fully with us, he told us to get rid of ties that made you weak" Kai explained.

"They were innocent, you brought them into this life!" I yelled and pulled the trigger twice. I called the police anonymously, and I brought them back to my house. I explained to them what happened. I told them that we had to do something that would get the revenge they wanted. We planned for weeks on our attack.

We snuck into the abandoned warehouse, I had trained the boys. I threw smoke bombs and we started firing on El Diablos members. Soon after there where lifeless bodies scattered on the floor. I walked out with the rest of the boys, and El Diablo stood there.

"You, I trusted you. Why did you do this" I ask.

"Because, you remind me of a younger me. I see your potential, and I wasn't gonna let you friends weaken you." he replies back.

"I am nothing like you, I am done working for you, remember me and my boys, Bangtan Mafia" I say.

"You may have, killed these weak pathetic men, but how are you 6, cause little one over there didn't even kill, how are you gonna defeat me. I am always one step ahead, I am wiser, RM, I will be after you all till you are all dead" He says and the lights flickered off, then on again and he was gone.

"I'm sorry Hyung, for not killing, I was just scared, it didn't feel right" Jungkook said to me.

"It's ok, we are here for each other, we will get your revenge" I say to them all.

~Flashback over~

"After that, we stuck by each other ever since." I say as Ja-kyungs eyes were heavy.

"I'll tell you more, tomorrow, it's getting late" I say and she nods closing her eyes.

Jungkook carried her to her bedroom, after he came back down stairs and sat with the rest of us.

"Man you telling how it all started really got to me, I haven't thought about that in a long time" Jimin speaks up.

"It was so long ago, but it still pains me to hear it" Jin adds.

"I'm sorry, I had to tell her from the beginning, cause then she won't understand the full story" I explain.

"We know, it's just hard. I wonder how she is taking it?" Taehyung questions.

Ja-kyung's pov

I lay, looking at the ceiling. My thoughts were crazy, running around my head. I am living with former mafia members, who have killed before. Killers, I am living with killers. My father, my uncle who I thought was my father, my uncles, the people that raised me are killers. Yet somehow, I trust them with my life. I don't know what to do, do I call my dad, dad? or Yoongi dad?. Yoongi raised me as his own to protect me, I wouldn't want to hurt him by not calling him dad. On the other hand Namjoon, he is actually my father, but I never knew this man. I decided to end these thoughts and go to sleep. I guess I will learn more about everything tomorrow.

Daddy Issues/ sequel to dangerous loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon