instagram captions #10

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*Picture of Coralei holding Harlow. She is smiling ear to ear*
- my girls 🌸 #coraleiviolet #harlowscarlett

*Picture of Theodore and Harlow. Theodore is kissing her*
- theodore loves his baby sister 👦🏻👶🏻

*Picture of Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow. Benji has Theodore in his lap and Coralei is holding Harlow*
- i still can't believe that i am a dad to four. plus, this is one of my fav pictures of the kids from harlow's newborn photoshoot. 🧒🏻👧🏻👦🏻👶🏻

• These are going to be from RJ's account🌲They are in no typical order!
Go on, touch it. You know you want to. Youtuber, husband, papi to 4, writer, actor, clergy, jackass. he/him/his

*Picture of Benji, Coralei and Theodore holding the cards they made for Will. Will's favorite flowers are also in the background*
- Spoiling Will for Mother's Day! 🌹

*Picture of Benji and Dobby*
- Benji and I love to walk Dobby! 🐶

*Picture of Benji, Coralei and Theodore eating popsicles*
- Red, white & blue! Happy Memorial Day! ❤️🇺🇸💙

*Picture of RJ styling Coralei's hair and looking at his iPhone*
- Will took this candid pic of me tying to learn French braids! #GirlDad right here! 🎀

*Picture of Benji, Coralei and Theodore sitting together. A pink balloon is next to Theodore*
- Baby #4 is a girl! Two boys two girls! Perfection 💙💖💙💖

*Picture of Theodore smirking at RJ*
- That smirk! He is getting sassy 😂👦🏻

*Picture of Benji and Coralei spelling out the new baby's name with magnetic letters on a cookie pan*
- Harlow Scarlett is our new baby girl's name! We love it and can't wait for her arrival very soon! 🌸

*Picture of Benji visiting his moms grave*
- Benji and I visiting with his mom today. It's so peaceful here.

*Picture of Coralei in her ballerina outfit*
- She can't wait to start dance class! 💃🏻

*Picture of Benji and Coralei holding up their first day of school signs*
- First day of school, Benji and Coralei! They are both so excited! 🧒🏻👧🏻

*Picture of Theodore with paint all over his paint*
- Hanging out with my little guy! He loves to paint and make a mess. Clearly 😂👦🏻🎨

*Picture of RJ holding Will's hands*
- Baby is on the way! #Labor

*Picture of RJ holding Harlow on his chest*
- She's here!! She's beautiful and she loves to cuddle #HarlowScarlett 🌺

*Picture of RJ smiling with Harlow on his chest wide awake*
- Sleepy Papi and wide awake Harlow 👶🏻

*Picture of Benji reading a book and leaning on Dobby*
- A boy and his dog with a book! 🧒🏻🐶📘

*Picture of Coralei blowing bubbles*
- It's a bubbles in a house kind of day! Shhh, don't tell Will!

*Picture of Theodore and Harlow together. Theodore is rubbing Harlow's cheek* 
- Theodore loves to stare at Harlow and rub her cheeks 😍

*Picture of RJ, Benji, Coralei and Theodore! RJ is baby wearing Harlow. Theodore is sitting in the shopping cart with Coralei and Benji is hanging on the back of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is filled*
- So, I took all four kids grocery shopping today to let Will sleep and rest! And yes, we are that big family that goes to Costco! 😂

*Picture of Theodore playing with his stuffed animals with Harlow. Harlow is looking around*
- Harlow looks very annoyed lol but don't worry I was watching Theodore with her! He isn't acting jealous at all, which is great! 👍🏻

*Picture of RJ smiling and baby wearing harlow*
- This is what you do if you wanna get stuff done! 💪🏻

*Picture of Harlow laying in a basket with a flower crown on her head*
- Will and I are absolutely obsessed with all of the newborn pictures we got! Look how cute Harlow looks 😍🌸

*Picture of Theodore and Harlow laying next to each other*
- Harlow makes Theodore look so big!

*Picture of Benji and Harlow. Benji is reading Harlow a book*
- Benji is so happy to have another baby sister 😊🧒🏻👶🏻

*Picture of Coralei and Harlow. Coralei is smiling and Harlow is yawning*
- My pretty girls! Coralei is so THRILLED to finally have a baby sister 😍🎀🌸

*Picture of Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow. Benji, Coralei and Theodore are kissing Harlow's head*
- My everything! So thankful to be their Papi! #BenjaminElliot #CoraleiViolet #TheodoreRobert & #HarlowScarlett ❤️

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