Chapter One: Introductions

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Fern and I stared at the strange man in the lab coat. "You two are very special. Now you need to listen to us so we can learn more about you-"

"Are you crazy!? First you kill our mom..." I started to scream at him, angry tears rolling down my face.

"Then you hold us captive for experiments..." Fern added, her bright green eyes flashing in defiance.

Then we both shouted, "We're human too! And we deserve to be treated like ones!"

The man said, "First, you are not human. You are very special and rare specimens that we have to learn more about. Second..."

Fern cut in, screaming, " You DON'T have to learn about us. You can just let us go and continue with your scientific life that has NOTHING to do with us,"

The man hit Fern so hard, I was worried her head was going to topple off. "You can't just hit my sister like that!" I protested. Well, that was a big mistake on my part. Instead of hitting Fern again, he hit me.

Then he started to talk about the million reasons of why they needed to study us. I angrily wiggled my hands, trying to get them out of the cold, tight, metal chains the scientists had used to keep my twin and me hostage so I could freeze this sicko. But then something in my mind clicked. If I froze him, it would be recorded. If it was recorded, it would take forever for Fern and I to get out. Fern, we are going to have to use our wits in order to get out of this horrible place, I thought, using my telepathic bond to communicate with her.

We have more wits than they know of. I'm sure we could take them down easily. Fern thought back.

But, the more help we get, the merrier. I thought as I glanced at the other glass cages. There were two girls in each cage. We need the other girls' help. Escaping will work better that way, even if they control their powers like monsters.

I read you loud and clear. Fern thought. You take the ones on the left, I'll talk to the ones on the right.

Hi, I'm Crystal. My sister next to me is Fern. I hope you can help all of us escape this dreadful place. Is that okay with you? I asked, peering into the other glass room, trying to get one of the girls' attention, if not both.

I received from the girl with a black bun coiled to the top of her head, Well, I'm Lily and next to me is Ruby. We would love your help, and were just about to ask for it so we could do the same. We also have telepathic powers and one of the powers of the elements. I hope we can get out of here before we have to participate in any more experiments.

Me too. I answered back. I'll talk to you later, Lily. Let's hope we can make a good plan for escaping.

My fingers are crossed. Lily thought with a hopeful smile on her face.

I turned back to Fern. "Good news," I whispered. "Lily and Ruby will help us get out."

"So are Wendy and Willow," Fern said in a hushed voice that was as calming as the waves rolling in the ocean at the break of dawn.

The man stopped talking. "Hey, you two. What are you whispering about? A way to escape?" He inquired. "It won't work, you know. Here, we have the state-of-the-art equipment and the best security. Everything to stop your little plan you two were talking about from working,"

"You don't know that," Fern and I said at the same time. "There are many ways equipment can fail. We live in an imperfect world, after all. There could be an override in the system, or wires blown, or- " As we talked, the man's face became redder and redder. When he interrupted us, his face was as red as a beet.

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