Part 12

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I walked down the hall and got the people back in their offices. The whole office got a tense atmosphere. I was just concerned about Christian. An hour later Taylor dragged Mr. Clarkson out of the board room in cuffs, the police rocked up and took Clarkson away with the confession he gave Christian. I rushed in after Taylor took Brice away. Christian was white as a sheet with anger. I took him some coffee.

'Ana, please leave I don't want to hurt you, baby please.' He pleaded. I just left his coffee and left.

I got to work after that episode and felt a bit off after that. I continued my work and later we head back to the Grey House. Back at Grey House things just got more intense, the press rocked up at the front door in swarms and I had to quickly type out a speech making sure with legal that it is okay. I mailed it over to Christian and we both head down to meet the media and Christian delivered his speech and he answered a few questions. Then we left going back up to Christian's office.

Christian asked me to get the core legal team in his office for an emergency meeting. I did what he asked and then got the meeting set up. I got the meeting set up and everything ready in Christian's office I set out. It was nine thirty and Christian was still in their legal meeting, Sawyer drove me to Escala. I ate and then took a bath and got into bed. I was just so tired after everything that happened today I just wanted to get into bed. I fell asleep in no time at all. I was briefly woken when Christian got home and got into bed. I lay down in my sleep on his chest and fell asleep further. I felt his hand and lips on my hair.

'I'm sorry about today baby.' He whispered to me.

'I know you were under a lot of stress today, love. I understand that and it worries me.'


'The way you got angry for instance, it's not at all good for your health.' I continue.

'My health?'

'Yes, Mr. Grey, I told you earlier today, if it is okay with you, I would like to grow old with you.'

'I remembered, Miss Steele.' He had a smile on his voice. 'Very well Miss Steele. Now go back to sleep.' I did and it was really nice, having him here next to me and a lot calmer.

'It's Friday and Christian will be out of the office all day as he will be playing golf with Mr. David Sanders, so he left his phone with me at the office to take his calls. He has Taylor with him to make a call if he needs to. I can't believe it's Friday already and the end of the month. This will also be the end of my third month being here at Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

The end of my probation period. I really do hope my performance appraisal will have good marks when they call me in for it down at HR. I am really stressed out because of it. Christian told me he'll send them a letter about my work and the quality of it, so I don't need to worry. At two PM Suzann called me in and we had a one on one in her office. She held Christian's letter in her hand reading it. The early forty-something woman with the glasses on her nose looks very impressed at what she is reading in his letter.

'Miss Steele, it would seem you have been working your tail off more than the rest of us in the company. I am very impressed, I also received a letter from Ros, on what she observed from you and was glad you joined this team and is really a hard worker that is willing to work at all hours into the night.' I just sit and listen to Suzann, my insides are shaking like a leaf in the windy season.

'Well, Miss Steele, from my side to you from all these letters of reference not just from Mr. Grey and Ros. We have also received letters from all the departments that you have worked with saying the same things over and over. That you are really clear and down to the point of what you want done, and you set out and do it. As the head of the HR department, I am really happy to announce that your probation period is now officially over and also happy to officially say, welcome to the family here at Grey House.'

Fifty Shades of an Internship(Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें