Chapter 7

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Jason and Serenity hadn't moved from behind the drums since hearing the boys go quiet. What was going on? Then they heard a new voice they never thought they would here. "Don't be afraid, buddy. I've gotcha..." Daring to peek around the drum, Serenity saw the boys hugging someone. And once they pulled away and the person stood up, she immediately recognized the person. "Daddy...?" she whispered. The man shifted his gaze over to where she was. "Daddy!" She raced over to her father, unaware she was pulling Jason, who was yelping in pain, behind her. Peter froze up on the spot. He heard Serenity's voice, but he didn't see her. His eyes looked down and felt his heart stop. He saw his sweet baby girl running at him, unintentionally pulling her brother behind her. But something had gone seriously wrong, they were both roughly about 1/8 inch tall. Peter kneeled down, setting Tootles on his knee with one arm around him, while the other was held out to the two, his palm facing up. Serenity climbed up onto the offered hand stumbling a bit. "Serenity, can I have my arm back?!" Jason yelped. It was then she realized she had a vice grip on his arm the whole time. "Oops, sorry, Jwason." Once they were on, Peter slowly and carefully raised his hand up to his face. They both fit easily into the indent made when he cupped his hand. "What on earth happened to them?" Peter glanced at his troop, who caught onto the look he was giving them. "We don't know! We found them wandering around at this size." Cubby said, holding his hands up in the universal sign of 'Don't hurt me' "It was some pretty gem daddy." Peter looked at his little girl, "Where did you find this gem, Serenity?" "On the pirate ship." Peter sighed, rubbing his hand over his face. Things were not going well to the plan he had in his head. "Peter, we'll help get that crystal from Hook, but you just got here, stay a while, please?" The other boys immediately put on puppy pouts, looking at Peter beggingly. "Okay, and it's entirely unfair for the lot of you to be using my look against me." The boys immediately cheered. Peter glanced at Jason, who had his back turned to him. Peter sighed, wishing he could turn back the clock so he could stop himself from saying what he did.

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