Chapter 6

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Peter and Tinkerbell flew steadily onto Neverland. Once the the magical light that always greeted those coming in and out faded, Peter gazed at his childhood home. "It's barely changed at all..." Tinkerbell sat on his shoulder and smirked, ("Well, the rest of the island is the same as it was when you left, but Pixie Hollow's changed alot.") "And it's probably because of your creative mind." Peter laughed. But the laughter soon quieted to a complete stop with a worried look on his face. Tink sensed his worry and caressed his ear. ("Don't worry, Peter. We'll find them.") Peter seemed to relax at her words, his face relaxing. "Still, Neverland's big and dangerous. We're going to need some help." The two flew down towards the island, Peter struggling to keep his balance as he went into land. "Woah!" Peter yelled as he tried to stop, only to collide with a tree. Tink winced, feeling his pain for a moment, before flying over to him. "Ow... I guess I'm a little rusty with flying. Good thing the hideout is also a fair walking distance away." Peter stood up as Tinkerbell settled comfortably on Peter's shoulder again, clutching his shirt collar as he began his hike back to where he lived all those years ago... Jason ducked through the lush vegetation around him that stretched high above like trees. Serenity had fallen asleep a little while ago, so he shifted her from riding on his back to holding her against his chest. Suddenly he heard twigs snapping, "Who's there?! Show yourselves!" "Jwason...who you talking to?" Serenity mumbled as she woke up. "Pan? That you?" Jason then saw six boys come out, but they towered over him and Serenity like fairytale giants. "You're not Pan... Geeze you two are freezing..." A fox boy, who was clearly the oldest said as he took out a cloth from a pocket in his outfit and wrapped the siblings up into it. "My name's Jason, and this is my sister, Serenity." "Well, Jason, I'm get you two back to Hangman's tree. You'll both be safe there."... "Who are those two?" "He looks just like Pan, well, except the blue eyes.." "Did Hook bring them here? Why?" Jason and Serenity were bombarded with questions as they were dried off the best they could be. "Jwason, they're the Lost Boys! We're in Neverland!" That got the boys attention, "Wait, how do you two know us? We just met." "Our mum told us stories about all of you." Serenity said as she pointed at the fox boy. "You're Slightly, and you're Nibs, then the twins, then Cubby, and finally Tootles." The boys were amazed a little five year old girl knew their names. "Wait a minute, if you're the Lost Boys, then where's Tinkerbell and Peter Pan?" Jason asked. Suddenly the sound of footsteps came from the entryway. "You two, hide. Men, take your positions." Jason and Serenity quickly hid behind a drum while the boys climbed up and held a sack above the entryway. The footsteps grew louder and shook the two tiny children to the bone. They saw a figure enter the room but couldn't make out more than a large black silhouette. "NOW!!!" At the command, the Lost Boys tackled the intruder, earning a muffled yelp of surprise from the unsuspecting victim. The sack thrashed as the person inside try to fight their way out. "Ha! I wonder which of Hook's stinky crew members we caught?!" Slightly said as he held the opening high, fingers beginning to tug on the rope. "I bet it's Mullins." Nibs suggested, "maybe it's old Smee himself." Cubby said. "We think it might be Sharkey." The twins said in their constant sync. "Well I think it's-" Slightly's sentence was cut off when he let the sack fall open, revealing not a pirate, but not a child either. It was a grown up with red hair, and was wearing clothes similar to what people on the mainland wear. The boys stood there stock still, unsure of who they caught. "-Peter...?" Peter shook his head once the sack opened and he wasn't being restrained. He looked up and there stood his Lost Boys, looking at him like he was a monster that was going to eat them. After a few moments, Tootles slowly went up to the man, despite the others telling him to stop. Once the little boy was within arm's reach, Peter scooped him up into his arms. Tootles felt the hands under his arms lift him up before being adjusted to hold him like Jane did. He gently placed one hand on the grown up's face, and the other in the center of the much larger hand... A fit of frightened cries mixed into the thunder. Tootles trembled, he had a dreadful fear of storms. Suddenly he felt a pair of arms wrap around him before he was pulled into someone's lap. He looked up and saw his leader's face. Peter shushed him gently, his hand rubbing the skunk's back. "Don't be afraid, buddy. I've gotcha."... "Don't be afraid, buddy. I've gotcha..." Upon hearing that, Tootles instantly knew the grown up was Peter and threw his tiny arms around the man's neck. It didn't take long before the others were hugging Peter from all sides. "Glad you're back, Peter." Slightly and Nibs helped Peter out of the sack, only to stare at how tall Peter had gotten, he now stood level with in Peter's thigh. Peter shifted Tootles so that the little boy was sitting on his hip. He opened his mouth to speak when a tiny voice beat him to the punch. "Daddy...?

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