Chapter 4

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A faint glowing light floated down on the city of London. It flew to the Darling household, immediately flying into the open window. It froze seeing the condition of the room. It's light dimmed to reveal a tiny winged lady dressed in green, her face complete pale with horror. What had happened here?! Suddenly hearing movement, the fairy saw a grown man, posdibly in his late thirties, laying on the bed, completely out of it. She flew closer, the man looked like he cried himself to sleep, and was holding something to his chest. She immediately recognized the doll, then slowly moved up the man's chest close enough to illuminate his face. He was older than the last time she'd seen him, but she knew that face anywhere. Remembering why she came here, she started trying to wake him up, going from yelling in his ear, to poking him anywhere that wouldn't get her squashed. It didn't take much before he slowly stirred... Peter heard a voice saying his name, it sounded familiar for some odd reason, but why? Upon opening his eyes, he froze seeing what he believed was a tiny winged woman standing on his chest, staring at him with a hopeful smile on her face. A fairy?! The fairy cringed when Peter jumped back in slight fright, falling off the bed with a hard thud. Peter groaned in pain, shaking his head to shake the dizziness off. Suddenly feeling a pressure on his finger, he looked to see the fairy pulling on it, trying to pull him upright. He sat up, the fairy looking him over before landing in the palm of his hand. ("Are you okay, Peter? That was a bit of a nasty fall.") Peter stared at her when she spoke. "W-Who are you?! How do you know my name?!" The fairy's wings drooped in confusion and shock before she flew up to his face, placing her hands on either side of his face. ("Peter, it's me! Tinkerbell! Don't you remember me?!") When Peter have her a slightly confused look, she broke down, hugging his nose as she sobbed. Peter stared blankly, unsure of what to do exactly. But upon hearing her name something went off in his head, and memories came forward... "Well, in that case... My name is Peter, what's yours?" "Tinkerbell, a pleasure to meet you Peter."..."Catch me if you can, Tink!"..."HAHAHA!!! Tiiinnnnkkk, that ti-tic-tickles!!"... Tinkerbell continued to cry before feeling a pressure gently rubbing her arm. "Shhh... don't cry, Tink..." Tinkerbell's head shot up to gaze at Peter. He remembered her! He had his memories of her back! ("Oh, Peter! You're back!") She rubbed her nose against his, him chuckling at the slight sensation. "I've missed you..." Diana and Moria heard a thud from Jason's room, and rushed to see Peter reunited with Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell chimed at them and hugged each woman's cheek. "Tinkerbell, what are you doing here?" Diana asked. Tink waved at her, but earned confused looks from the two women. Groaning, Tink tried Peter, since he was the only one capable of understanding her. ("Peter, I saw Hook come here for some reason. I think he has your children.") The look on Peter's face said it all, as he heard his best friend's theory. He knew he needed to go back, but he couldn't leave his wife. "Diana... I...." Diana suddenly kissed him, "Go. We'll tell your boss that you had some unexpected family matters to attend to out of town." Moria said, passing Peter his bag. He hugged them both, "I'll be back soon, with Jason and Serenity, I promise." He then glanced at Tinkerbell. "Now, how do we get there?" he asked.  Tink pulled out her pouch. Scurrying around above his head, she then sprinkled the pixie dust over Peter, as he closed his eyes, and thought back to the days when he would be soaring through the skies of the magical realm, without a care in the world. As he did, his body slowly lifted off the floor, and into the air. ("Follow me,") called Tink, as the fairy headed out the window.  "I hope I can remember how to fly, it's been so long!" grabbing his bag, and slowly floating out the window behind her. "Peter! Be careful!" Diana called as she watched him go. "I will!"

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