Chapter 3

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Jason sobbed into his pillow, he regretted what he said to his dad. A sudden knock on his door made him flinch and quickly wipe his tears away. "..... Jwason?...” Jason heard his baby sister's voice on the other side of his bedroom door. He heard her knock one more time, "Jwason…can I pwease come in?..." "Y-Yeah." he finally answered… Jason watched his sister enter the room, holding her blanket and Peter Pan doll in her arms. She scrambled up on his window seat, him following suit. Seeing her big brother upset, she gently wrapped her arms around him, smiling when he returned her embrace with his own. "Thanks, Serenity, I needed that..." She grinned pleased that she made her brother happy again. "Hey, do you remember those stories mum told us? About Peter Pan?" Serenity nodded, wondering what he meant. "Well, I came up with one of my own. You wanna hear it?" "Okay..." The ten year old and five year old made themselves comfortable as Jason began his story. "It was a foggy night in Neverland. Captain James Hook still wanted to find Peter's hideout, so that he could capture and destroy Pan forever. So, he and his merciless, bloodthirsty crew went ashore, leaving the Jolly Roger unguarded. That was when Peter Pan arrived..." Serenity could almost picture the story in her head, every little detail. "...He and the Lost Boys slipped aboard and attempted to commandeer the ship. But then, from out of the fog, he was there. The infamous Captain James Hook. A fierce and ferocious swordfight quickly ensued. "Give up, boy." Hook snarled, his sword pointing at Peter's heart. But Peter would never give up, "Never." And just as it looked like Peter Pan would meet his end, a shimmering magic coated the ship..." "Tinkerbell!" Serenity exclaimed, having always loved parts of the stories with the Pixie in it. Jason rolled his eyes at her enthusiasm, "... And the Jolly Roger rose into the sky, as Peter and the boys escaped, but not without taking some treasure with them. "I'll get you for this, Pan! If it's the last thing I do!" Hook roared as his ship disappeared into the night." Suddenly Serenity looked behind her and screamed...In his study Peter sat at his desk, his head in one hand, the other held a picture of him and Jason when he was two. They were lying on the floor of his study, playing with those model automobiles. Both were smiling, what had happened to drive a wedge between them? He jumped at a spine chilling scream, coming from Jason's room. Peter raced down the hall, fear and worry running wild in his head. Upon reaching the door, he saw Diana holding onto Moria as she cried. As Moria took her downstairs, Peter entered the room. It looked like a war zone, things shredded and strewn about, with his two beautiful child nowhere in sight. He froze seeing Serenity's doll and Jason's prized baseball, scooping both toys up, he held them to his chest tightly as his grief and the pain of a broken heart flooded through him.

Neverland: Peter Pan's ReturnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora