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Our little town is too small for me and Adam but I always find a way to avoid him, even though we are in the same circle of friends they respect me and it's obvious to them that I'm avoiding trouble and his trouble.

Once my brother approached me about him, I'm spending my late night on our rooftop since we have this small garden and a long couch whenever our friends are spending overnight in our house we make a tent for girls and boys. And I love staying here late at night. And I loved Coffees mind you.

"Adam is asking me if he can court you and I told him no if he respect our friendship and I know you don't want trouble from our Grandparents." My brother told me and even reminding me to be on my sane to get involve in his shit.

"Isn't it obvious I'm avoiding him?" I was annoyed with my brother because I'm the eldest but patronizing me about shit.

"I know but he is too hard-headed, and he likes you ever since so just avoid him, sis." And he left me with my coffee and I continue to stare at the nights with just the stars above me sparkling.

As I was about to retreat to my room I heard a noise from the other side of our rooftop and then there is this man

"Archie? What are you doing here at this time?" I was nervous because what if my brother catch him and I know Archer is a closer friend to Adam than my brothers and I know his involvement in this.

"Adam wants me to give you this letter" he was being careful about his tone even he was afraid of being caught.

"Archie you know his parents and mine  don't along and give a shit. for some reason, I don't understand and if his parents know this they will make an issue about me and please I don't want trouble. Tell him that." I'm a bit annoyed because he's acting like a kid right now, asking Archie to climb from our back under the tree just for this letter.

I took the letter from Archie and "You can leave now Archie but next time don't ride his silly plan like this ok? I don't want trouble, you guys know that." Sternly telling him

"Sorry sis, I was just helping my friends he's there under the big tree, waiting for me since I've done the mission I have to go." Giving me his mischievous smile and retreat from where he came from.

Then I decided to walk from the backside of the house and look for the person I want to see. And he was there wearing his signature jacket.

I'm disappointed in our situation I can't make it obvious that I like him, and can't even give him a chance because my Grandparents will always tell me not to involve in trouble and since our town is too small not to spread rumors without being known to everyone. I respect his parents, they just want the best for their son, and the town knows them about making a deal about their children's wedding and one of that is about Adam will be wedded to one of the town's known families, stupid old tradition right?.

Before they can disappear from my vision I waved my hands for him to see. I can't stop myself and I feel him at the same time.

This is prostrating me that's why I avoid this feeling towards him, it feels like we are not fit each other.

I return to my room with the letters In my hands and I decided to open them.

"Hi, Olivia"

I just want to talk to you so please give me a call or text here's my number *********** and please just do it so we can discuss the thing.

PS. I know you have a lot to be afraid of but please just hear me out."

I was kinda puzzled about this letter so he just wants to talk to me as usual and even involved Archie just to gave me this message.

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