Chapter 11

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I was sitting in my history class, with my new teacher, who I wasn't listening to. I let my eyes wander around the room, and they stopped when they met Stefan's. He shyly smiled at me, and I quickly looked away, frowning at the textbook in front of us. We were learning about the French Revolution, and I recall the teacher saying something about Marie Antionette...

A crumpled piece of paper hit my arm, and I flattened it out, quickly scanning the words written in blue pen. Would you like me to take you to dinner? I laughed, and the female teacher glaned at me.

"Miss..." she checked her papers for a second, "Gilbert, is it?" I nodded and smiled sweetly, which this teacher did not return.

"Is something amusing to you? Perhaps it is indeed written on that piece of paper?" She snatched it from my hands and read it aloud.

"That was private," I told her, and she narrowed her eyes slightly before dropping the paper on her desk, which clearly, she did not deserve. Alaric was meant to still be alive, he was meant to be teaching us about the French Revolution, smiling at Stefan, Bonnie and I showing us he knew our secrets...

"Miss Gilbert, for your actions, you will have a lunch time detention." she told me. tapping her fingers on my desk. I hadn't had blood since the night before, I just realised. I took in a deep breath. The pulse in her veins was calling out to me, and I looked down before I blew my cover. She couldn't know I was a monster, no one needed to.

"Do you have anything to answer back with now?" she sneered at me, leaning down to me, exposing her throat. Oh God, no no- I jerked up, and slid out of my seat. I snuck a glance at Stefan before grabbing my bag and moving to the door of the classroom quickly.

"Do not walk out of this classroom without my permission Miss Gilbert! You're not off to a very great start!" she roared, even though I was already running down the corridors trying to get fresh air. I heard Stefan move out after me, and I slowed my pace down.

"If I do excuse myself," Stefan told her as he rushed out. He caught up with me and we both stopped near some lockers. Stefan smoothed my hair and pulled me into a hug. "Are you alright?" he asked quietly.

"I should have ripped her throat out," I spat, stepping away from him.

"Elena you can't think like that," Stefan said, trying to calm me down. "I can't blame you for running out of there," he said, kissing me sweetly on the lips. I sighed sadly, and hugged him. "Are you going to go back?"

"She's evil, I don't want to set foot in that classroom without wanting to kill her."

"We're just going to have to deal with her, it will get better. Just keep fighting it, it will get better." Stefan grabbed my hand and pulled to tug me back to class, but I resisted.

"What if it doesn't Stefan? What if I'm stuck like this, a blood thirsty teenage girl forever?" I hissed at him so only we could both hear. He sighed at me and pressed a hand against his forehead in anger. He was going to give me a speech about 'getting through everything' and hope for the best.

"Elena, you have to stop thinking that, you'll get past it, you'll grow to control yourself and-"

"Stefan, I know that will happen eventually, but I won't get through it if I stay in that history class," I told him. "You can go back, but I'm not."

"What do you mean you're not going back?" he asked, taken aback, staring at me with wide eyes.

"I mean what I just said, I'm cutting, ditching, whatever." I pushed past him and continued walking away from him.

"Elena, you don't want to do that, it's our senior year!" he called, walking after me.

"I do what I want Stefan, you have no control over me any more." I looked at him once more before speeding past my history class and out to the carpark. Stefan didn't follow me. I trudged across the carpark to my car and unlocked it, sighing as I opened the door.

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