Chapter 10

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"I think she's already figured it out," Bonnie murmured breathlessly as we knocked on the door. We could hear Caroline shouting.

"Klaus get away from me, ugh you're disgusting!" she yelled, appearing in the hallway and running to the door. She opened it and glared at Bonnie. "You, have some explaining to do," she hissed at her, and Bonnie gulped.

I stepped around them and continued moving through the house where I spotted Klaus (Tyler.) He looked exactly like Tyler, if Bonnie hadn't have told me I would think it was Tyler if he came over to me. I didn't know if Klaus had any intentions of killing me, so I kept my distance.

"Elena, you look different," Klaus drawled, walking closer to me. Caroline and Bonnie stood with me. "A vampire now are we?" He had Tyler's voice too, creepy.

"She wouldn't be if your sister didn't run her off of Wickery Bridge," Caroline spat at him, her voice filled with disgust. I noticed that Caroline's clothes seemed...disheveled, messed and untidy. "Because of her, Elena had to change."

"Immortality suits her well," Klaus said smiling. "Too bad I cannot make any more hybrids without her blood." His smile faltered. "Well, I do have spares."

"Where's Tyler?" Caroline growled. "I want to see my boyfriend!"

"Relax darling, Tyler's safe, your witch can fix this situation," he told her humbly, leaning against the wall casually.

"I can't believe you kissed me, you're gross!" Caroline wiped her hand across her mouth and sighed.

"You kissed her?" Bonnie and I exclaimed at the same time. Caroline walked to the kitchen table where us three followed her and sat down. I couldn't stand to look at Klaus without feeling nauseous. It was scary to think that Tyler was stored up in Klaus's body, in a coffin, staked...

"Bonnie, are you going to fix this or what?" Caroline asked her, looking furious.

"I-I can fix it."


There was a knock at the door. I took a deep breath as I decsended my stairs and opened the door, where Stefan was standing, holding a bouquet of roses for me. How sweet.

"Stefan, these are beautiful," I murmured, kissing him on the lips before closing the door. I had told Jeremy to invite Matt over so that he didn't miraculously burn the house down. That, and I didn't want any unwanted visitors ambushing Jeremy by himself.

"You're beautiful," he said, smiling as he grabbed my hand when we got in his car. "I hope you enjoy Thai cuisine."

"I've never eaten it before," I said honestly. "Will it be weird eating human food?"

"It doesn't taste the exact same as when you're human, but it's still very much edible." He squeezed my hand, and I smiled. I had let my hair fall in loose curls that I had created, and my makeup was mainly natural. "How was your day today? Damon told me you stopped by, but I was out today," he said, making conversation.

"Stopped by? Oh I went to see if you were home, but then Damon insisted on me staying for a drink, and I didn't want to be rude. I found out why Bonnie's been acting weird too...she didn't tell anyone that she put Tyler into Klaus's body," I explained, staring out the front windscreen, watching other traffic pass us.

Stefan gripped the steering wheel with both hands, slipping his hand out of mine. "She what?" he hissed. "I never thought of Bonnie as someone who would do that, keeping that a secret...what does Klaus want?"

"He said he didn't have any intentions of hurting anyone, but he's upset that he can't make any more hybrids because my blood is useless now," I told him in a weak voice.

"No more hybrids..." Stefan murmured. "He'll want something out of us, and if he doesn't it will be a miracle."

"Caroline wasn't too impressed- she didn't know about it."

"What's Bonnie going to do with Tyler?"

"Caroline demanded for her to undo the spell, and let both of them walk free, but she also made Klaus swear not to hurt Tyler in any way. He wants to find Rebekah and put her at rest," I answered.

"I can help with that," Stefan said sighing. "I hope she rots for what she's done to you." For what she's done to you... Stefan doesn't like me as a vampire, he just said it there. Why bother any more? Why not just tell me straight up that he doesn't want me any more?

I sighed and looked out my window, narrowing my eyes. We sat in silence, and I watched the trees mush into a blur as Stefan sped up to get to the restaurant. I didn't feel like going any more. I wanted to go home and watch movies all night, and act like a normal human teenage girl, how I met Stefan. It would never happen again.

The dinner was tasty, but I definitely wouldn't eat human food all the time, Blood had much more of a taste, always throwing my tastebuds into a frenzy. Stefan and I were on my porch, and I was holding the roses he gave me.

"I'm glad you enjoyed dinner, I-I hope the date wasn't too boring," Stefan told me, moving the hair out of my eyes with two fingers. There were no sparks. Nothing.

"Thanks for taking me out," I said smiling, acting happy because I simply didn't want him to feel bad. He didn't have a clue that I had clicked on to what he was thinking about me. I didn't want him to figure it out. He leaned in and kissed my lips slowly, and wrapped his arms around my waist. I kept the flowers steady as I wrapped my arms around his neck, making the moment more romantic.

"I love you," he whispered, and he kissed me again, harder this time. His hands slid down to my lower back, and when he pulled back I sighed. Why wasn't there any feeling between us? I wanted there to be, so bad...but it wasn't going to happen.

"Goodnight you." I opened my door and walked inside. I walked upstairs and waited until I heard Stefan's car leave before walking back down and placing the roses into a vase full of cold water.

"Elena, there's a letter for you," Matt said as he jogged downstairs with an empty bowl that smelled like was once filled with potato chips. Another letter?

"Thanks Matt," I told him as I went back upstairs to get ready for bed. I slipped my nail under the flap and opened the envelope, which once again had the same cursive writing on it, addressed to me. You've figured it out, all thanks to your lover. I wish I had Damon back, he was just so...handsome back in my day. Elena, you really need to choose who you want to be with, afterall, I'm willing to take the brother you don't wish to have. I get lonely too...

I made a disgusted sound as I threw the letter on my bed and grabbed my phone. Damon- another letter. She's following me. I pressed send and changed into comfier clothes. When I checked my phone, I had a new message.

How was the date? Watch out at school tomorrow.

I'm sure Stefan will tell you all about it.

He hasn't mentioned anything, he went straight to his room, did you have a fight? I sighed and got under my covers, typing my reply to Damon.

We had Thai food, he gave me roses, the end.

You're angry at something. Of course I'm angry, my boyfriend doesn't like me as an immortal creature of the night when he should be glad that we can spend the rest of our lives together in our perfect little world that is slowly falling apart, crumbling to pieces.

I know Stefan hates me as a vampire. Damon, I'm tired, go to sleep!

Another instant reply from him- Remember what I said earlier on...goodnight Elena, sweet dreams. I did remember what he said earlier on today: I'll love you either way...

I fell asleep within a matter of minutes, thinking about Damon Salvatore. My forbidden fruit.

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